국민내일배움카드 신청방법 및 자격(feat.사용처) How to apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card and qualifications (feat. Where to use it)

We introduce how to use the Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card to help you change your job or find a job. Bon, who writes, was also able to use this system to study job change. Today we will find out how.


National Tomorrow Learning Card

National Tomorrow Learning Card Comprehensive Guide
National Tomorrow Learning Card Comprehensive Guide
The National Tomorrow Learning Card is a job seeker looking for a job, a job seeker who is interested in other fields, an office worker who wants to improve work capacity, a middle-aged person preparing for a new life after retirement, and a woman who will rewrite a new career. It is a support project that makes the back possible with a single card.


국민내일배움카드 신청방법

국민내일배움카드 신청방법

1. Qualifications for Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card

2. Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card subsidy amount

3. How to apply for Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card

4. Where to use Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card and how to use it


1. Qualifications for Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card

The National Tomorrow Learning Card is a system supported by the Ministry of Employment and Labor for those who wish to find a job, change jobs, or improve job skills. In other words, any Korean citizen can apply. However, as shown below, there are exceptions to support, so please check them.



Guidelines for Excluding Support
Incumbent public officials, private school teachers

People over 75 years of age

College students with more than 2 years of study left until graduation

Self-employed persons with annual sales of KRW 150 million or more;

Special type workers with a monthly wage of 3 million won or more

Workers at large corporations under the age of 45 with a monthly wage of 3 million won or more


Go to those excluded from support

2. Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card subsidy amount

If you are issued a Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card, you will receive basic support of 3 million won and up to 5 million won. Within the scope of support, 45-85% of training costs are subsidized by the government. Participate in the training you want with minimal self-burden.

National Tomorrow Learning Card support rate
Go to Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card support rate
Confirmation of National Tomorrow Learning Card support rate

Payment of training incentives for smooth participation in training
Training subsidies of up to KRW 116,000 per month are provided to those who have an attendance rate of 80% or higher during the training period and meet one of the conditions below.


Training subsidy payment requirements

The unemployed who attend training courses for more than 140 hours, insured persons who work less than 15 hours a week, and recipients of work incentives, etc.
People participating in the National Employment Support System Type 1 and those belonging to the low-income class (including specific classes) among the National Employment Support System Type 2
Insured persons who are self-employed (up to KRW 360,000 per month)


3. How to apply for Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card

To apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card, access the link below and follow the steps in the picture to apply. If you are curious about how to apply in more detail, please check the manual for the National Tomorrow Learning Card.

National Tomorrow Learning Card Manual.pdf





Issuance of Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card

4. Where to use Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card and how to use it

If the application is completed and issuance is normally carried out, you will need to find an educational institution that can utilize the National Tomorrow Learning Card. To view the entire institution, please click the link below. After accessing the link, you can use search to check the region, training type, schedule, etc., and then apply.

Where to use Kookmin Learning Card
Where to use Kookmin Learning Card

Where to use the Kookmin Tomorrow Room Card


Among the various government-supported projects, today we learned about the National Tomorrow Learning Card. If you have a goal that you want to challenge to acquire a license or change job related skills in order to increase your competence, it would be nice to use it.