국민내일배움카드 신청방법 A summary of how to apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card (💻PC & mobile available!!)

국민내일배움카드 신청방법

Anyone can apply for the National Learning Card (with some exceptions), and you can apply for it in person at an employment center, but you can also apply online and on mobile. Let’s take a look at how to apply for each in detail.

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The link below will take you directly to the eligibility for the National Tomorrow’s Learning Card.👇👇👇

Tomorrow Learning Card
How to apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card

🍯 How to apply for the National Learning Card online
1. Access the Ministry of Employment and Labor’s website HRD-Net
You can apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card by visiting an employment center or online at HRD-Net. First, go to the Ministry of Employment and Labor’s website, HRD-Net.


The link below will take you directly to the National Tomorrow’s Learning Card website.👇👇👇


National Tomorrow Learning Card
HRD-Net Main Screen
2. Register and log in
To get the card, you need to log in. First of all, let’s go to the login screen. You can log in through simple authentication login or joint certificate login, and if you are not a member yet, you need to register. After logging in, click the Apply for issuance button on the main screen.

Tomorrow Learning Card
HRD-Net login screen
Tomorrow Learning Card
Select Apply for issuance on the main screen
3. Check before applying for issuance
You can apply for the National Tomorrow’s Learning Card on the application screen. However, before issuance, you must check the confirmation of the rights and obligations of the National Tomorrow’s Learning Card applicant. In this process, if you are unemployed, you must register for a job search on WorkNet. Read it carefully, check the consent box, and click the confirmation button to proceed to the full application screen.

Tomorrow’s Learning Card
Application screen
Tomorrow Learning Card
Checklist before applying for issuance
4. Register for a job search on WorkNet (for unemployed)
If the applicant is unemployed, he/she must first complete a job search registration on WorkNet. Let’s see how to register for a job search on WorkNet before applying for the National Tomorrow’s Learning Card. You can easily apply by following the post below.


The link below will take you directly to the worknet job search registration required for unemployment benefits (unemployed).👇👇👇👇

5. Fill out the application for issuance of the National Learning Card
Let’s start filling out the application form. First, fill in the applicant information.

Tomorrow Learning Card
Applicant Information
Next, you need to select the card information you want to be issued. There are two card companies that the government has partnered with: NH Card and SH Shinhan Card. If you already have a card, you can choose to reuse your existing card, otherwise, you can choose to issue a new card.

국민내일배움카드 신청방법
👉 When selecting a credit card from the card types
– NH Card: On-site issuance only
– SH Shinhan Card: You can choose between phone issuance and on-site issuance
Tomorrow Learning Card
Physical card information
Please register the account information to receive the subsidy from the government while participating in the training course.

Tomorrow Learning Card
Account Information
If you are a worker, you can find information about your business name, company size, number of full-time workers, date of hire, date of resignation, and number of working days in your employment insurance information. However, if you are newly unemployed and do not have a history of employment insurance enrollment, it will be blank.

Tomorrow’s Learning Card
Employment insurance enrollment information and eligibility
Depending on your eligibility, there may be documents that you need to submit. You can attach them by adding a file below. At the bottom of the form, you will find the shipping address. You can enter the address to which the card will be delivered, or if it is the same as the applicant’s address, check the Same as applicant information field and it will be automatically entered.

Tomorrow’s Learning Card
Attach documents and shipping information
The jurisdiction to issue the National Tomorrow’s Learning Card is automatically assigned and is based on the home address, so if you want to change it, please note that it can be changed.When all the information is completed, click the Next button.

Tomorrow Learning Card
Application Jurisdiction
6. Check eligibility and apply
This is a step to check your eligibility to verify whether you are eligible to apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card. Please read and check the questions. If you have read the notice, please check the box that says I have read the notice.

Tomorrow’s Learning Card
Check Eligibility and Apply
Tomorrow Learning Card
Check the notice
The personal information provision agreement screen will follow. If you see (Required), you must check it to issue the card. If you have checked all the boxes, click the Apply button.

Tomorrow Learning Card
Agree to provide personal information
Tomorrow Learning Card
Apply for issuance
7. Check application details
Your application is complete. To check the application history, you can check it through the Card Application History menu. Click the Expand button to see the basic application history of the National Tomorrow’s Learning Card as shown in the second screen. Click View Application to see detailed information, and click Recall to retrieve your application.

Tomorrow Learning Card
Card Application History
Tomorrow Learning Card
View and retrieve applications
🍯 How to apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card mobile application
1. Install the Ministry of Employment and Labor app
First, download the Ministry of Employment and Labor’s HRD-Net and attendance management apps. Since the second half of 2020, it has been possible to apply for the National Learning Card through the app.

The link below will take you directly to the mobile app installation.👇👇👇👇

2. Sign up and log in
Once the installation is complete, tap the Apply for Issuance button on the main screen of HRD-Net. The login screen will appear. If you are not a member yet, please register and log in. The joint certificate can be used after registration on the PC.

Tomorrow’s Learning Card
Tomorrow Learning Card
Register and log in after tapping Apply for issuance
3. Checklist before applying
You must read and check the confirmation before applying for issuance. If you are unemployed, please select yes to whether you are unemployed. If you have checked all the precautions, please check the consent box and touch the confirmation button.

Tomorrow’s Learning Card
Tomorrow Learning Card
4. Register for a job on WorkNet (if you are unemployed)
If you are currently unemployed, you need to register for a job through the WorkNet application. After installing the WorkNet application, follow the steps below to register for a job.

Required worknet for unemployment benefits (unemployed) through the link below