전역자 군번조회 방법(PC,모바일) How to check military service number for discharged person (PC, mobile)

Today, we will summarize the Military Manpower Administration’s military number inquiry and how to check the military number of a discharged person.



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Military Manpower Administration Military Number Inquiry
1. Confirm with the Military Manpower Administration
2. Confirmation on medical certificate
3. Confirm at the unmanned civil service issuance machine
Military Manpower Administration Military Number Inquiry
Military Manpower Administration Military Number Inquiry
Among those who have served in the military, you may have experienced difficulties due to not being able to remember your military service number when engaging in social activities or enlisting in the reserve forces.

The military number can be searched in three ways. We will tell you how to check your military registration number at the Military Manpower Administration.

1. Confirm with the Military Manpower Administration
You can check your military number on the Military Manpower Administration website.

Go to the Military Manpower Administration website
After accessing the Military Manpower Administration website, if you click on the Military Manpower Civil Service menu, various menus will appear.

Click on the Mobilization and Reserve Forces menu. On the next page, click Military Discharge Date/County Number Inquiry.

Verify your identity. After completing the procedure, you can immediately check your military number.

2. Confirmation on medical certificate
The second method is to check with a medical certificate. Military registration certificates can be issued by the government 24 hours a day.

Go to Government 24 website
If you search for a medical certificate in the search bar, it can be issued right away. You can receive it for free by verifying your identity.

3. Confirm at the unmanned civil service issuance machine
The last method can be found at the unmanned civil service issuance machine.

You can check this by obtaining a medical certificate from an unmanned civil service issuing machine. This method is recommended for those who have difficulty using the method introduced earlier because they are not familiar with using a smartphone or PC.

If you are not sure about the location of the unmanned civil service issuance machine, please visit the link below.

👉 Go to information on installation location for unmanned civil service issuance

Today, I told you about the Military Manpower Administration’s military registration number inquiry method. Since there are three types, you can search according to your individual environment.