네이버멤버십 한달무료 해지 Naver Plus membership 1-month free trial (+ how to cancel) :: Financial Welfare Damoa

네이버멤버십 한달무료 해지Naver Plus-Membership-Free Trial

Naver Plus Membership is the name of Naver’s membership. Every time you shop on Naver, up to 5% of the shopping amount is accumulated, and you can use other OTT services for free when you sign up for Naver Plus membership in partnership with the OTT digital content platform. We are currently offering a 1-month free trial for Naver Plus membership, so please check the details below.

Naver Plus-Membership-Free trial

When you sign up for NAVER Plus membership, you can enjoy various benefits.

Naver Plus Membership Monthly price is 4,900 won/ Annual price is 46,800 won.

[Accumulate Naver Pay]
The first Naver Plus membership benefit is Naver Pay accumulation. Earn up to 5%. If you use Naver frequently, the membership price of 4,900 won is accumulated quickly, so the maximum 5% savings can be seen as a very useful benefit.
Naver Plus-Membership-Benefits

[Family account]
If one member of your family uses Naver Plus membership, you can invite other family members to enjoy the benefits together.
[Powerful Digital Content]
When you sign up for NAVER Plus membership, you can use a variety of affiliated digital content services for free.
Naver Plus-Membership-Free trial

1) Unlimited access to TVing broadcasting
2) SPORT NOW sports unlimited pass
3) 49 Naver Webtoon and Series Cookies
4) Unlimited access to Series On Movies
5) Discount on one movie from the series
6) Naver Content Experience Pack
[Additional 3% savings on this month’s shopping]
Earn 3% more on this month’s shopping. Because you use it frequently, you can receive a very large amount of savings with up to 8% savings.

Naver Plus Membership is currently offering a one-month free trial upon new signup. New subscribers can earn up to 5% on Naver Pay purchases with 0 won and enjoy various benefits for free. If you use Naver Pay often, please sign up and receive the benefits.

👉 1-month free trial of Naver Plus
Naver Plus Membership – 1 Month – Free Trial

[How to apply]
① Go to the official Naver Plus membership site.
② Click Start Free Now.
③ Select either a monthly pass or an annual pass and click Agree to All.
④ After the free trial, click Pay to receive Naver Plus membership benefits and use it to your heart’s content.

If you don’t like your Naver Plus membership after trying it for a month, you can cancel it.
[Cancellation method]
① Go to the Naver Plus membership management page.
👉 Go to Naver Plus management page

② Tap Cancel Naver Plus Membership.
③ If you proceed with cancellation from the next regular payment, no more regular payments will occur.
Naver Plus-Membership-Cancellation

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네이버멤버십 한달무료 해지
