네이버페이 후불결제 신청 및 이용방법 How to apply and use Naver Pay postpaid payment

We will summarize information regarding overdue payments for Naver Pay postpaid subscription.

Those who have a credit card can use the installment service when making payment.

네이버페이 후불결제

네이버페이 후불결제

When you buy an expensive product, you can choose to pay it back in installments over a period of 3 or 6 months, and that’s how I bought my newlyweds’ home.

I remember going to a furniture store and buying a bed, sofa, and other things, and the amount came to around 6 million won, which I paid back in 6 months.

However, this type of installment plan is only available to those who have a credit card.

Job seekers and housewives who cannot make a credit card have no choice but to buy things only with the money they have.

It is said that the postpaid payment method through Naver was launched for those who cannot use a credit card.

Any Korean over the age of 19 can apply. You can shop up to 300,000 won without any annual fees or commissions and pay it on the designated payment date next month.

Even if you don’t have cash right now, you can purchase the things you need, so signing up can be useful in many ways.


Some advantages
The biggest advantage is that there are no annual fees or commissions.

Signing up does not affect your credit score, and when the payment date comes, automatic withdrawals are made from the designated account, so you don’t have to worry about it as long as you keep the money in the account.

You can choose the payment date from May, the 15th, or the 25th, so you can choose one that falls on payday or a date that is convenient for you.

Since the money comes in at the end of the month, I set it to the 25th.

I set it up after payday so that when the paycheck comes into the account, it is automatically taken out.

The maximum limit is 300,000 won, but not all are up to 300,000 won.

At first, it was up to 200,000 won, but as I used it more often, it increased to 300,000 won.

It was convenient because you could earn 1% points each time you used it, receive a cash receipt for income tax deduction, and use it at any Naver Shopping affiliated store.

Nowadays, most products can be purchased at smart stores, so I think the fact that there are many affiliated stores is also an advantage.

There is also a way to pay immediately before the payment due date.

When you press immediate payment, automatic withdrawals will be made from your registered account. There was also a story that if you frequently use instant payment, your limit will be raised quickly as the customer is judged to have a high credit rating.


A few cons
It was a bit disappointing that instead of repaying in installments over several months like a credit card, you had to pay the entire amount used this month on a designated date next month.

It is not an installment payment, but an immediate payment or a lump sum payment on a designated date, so you can understand it as a service that lasts for about a month.

As you use the service, you may become delinquent. If that happens, the service will be suspended and a fee of 12% per annum will be applied for the overdue amount.

Since this is also a type of credit loan, if the payment is overdue by more than 5 business days from the payment date, the overdue information is provided to the personal credit rating company and the record may be kept for a certain period of time even if the overdue amount is paid.

In case of long-term delinquency, collection may be carried out by entrusted management to a debt collection company.

It is said that if reminders are made over the phone and the case is prolonged, it could lead to a lawsuit.

You must be careful because if you have a problem with your credit, you may need a loan later and be disadvantaged when borrowing money or making a credit card.


Applying for membership is simple.

When you log in to Naver and go to Pay, you will see the ‘Sign Up’ section at the bottom left.

However, not everyone can use it, and through a simple screening, you will be notified of the results of whether you can use it or not.

It is said that the screening process has become much stricter these days, so you may not be able to sign up easily.

Today, we briefly talked about Naver Pay deferred payment subscription.

It’s not a very difficult method, so if you try it once, you’ll quickly find out what kind of service it is.

Please do not fail to pay and be careful not to spend too recklessly.