맹장 위치 증상 [Reason for bursting appendix] Male and female appendix locations are the same… ‘Initial symptoms of appendicitis’ What if the left and right sides are still confused? < Unexposed < Main article - Home Economics TV

맹장 위치 증상If you have left side or stomach pain or right side pain, you may suspect appendicitis. This happens because the location of the appendix is ​​not known. Some say the location of the appendix is ​​on the left lower abdomen, while others say it is on the right side. So, where is the real appendix located? The appendix is ​​to the right of the navel. It is located on the outside when the right pelvic pubis is divided into three parts. Appendicitis, which is called appendicitis, requires suspicion of appendicitis (appendicitis) symptoms if you feel pain in the lower abdomen when you press the appendix or if you have symptoms such as gas.
Early symptoms of appendicitis are difficult to distinguish from symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease or uterine pain because the organs located in the right lower abdomen are so diverse. Alternatively, symptoms of tension and stress irritable bowel syndrome can also be confused because they cause abdominal pain or flank pain. The location of the appendix is ​​the same for both men and women. However, in the case of men who have a higher incidence of urinary stone symptoms than women, it is necessary to check whether they have urinary stone symptoms through a hospital test. The initial symptoms of appendicitis start with upper abdominal pain and move to lower abdominal pain. Appendicitis is classified according to the degree of progression into purulent appendicitis, gangrenous appendicitis, and perforated appendicitis. With the recent development of antibiotics and fluid treatment related to appendicitis, surgery and treatment for acute appendicitis and chronic appendicitis are not so difficult.

The cause of appendicitis is not clear, but it usually begins when the opening of the appendix at the end of the appendix is ​​closed. Appendicitis, also known as appendicitis, is a case of appendicitis, which is caused by improper food control, overeating or binge eating, or when eating without being able to cover the food and being infected with bacteria or intestinal parasites. A feeling of heat in the intestines, similar to symptoms of food poisoning and enteritis. It is usually said in oriental medicine that gastrointestinal blood clots appear as blood circulation disorders. Or, excessive exercise or trauma may be the cause of appendicitis. Appendicitis can also cause symptoms if chronic fatigue or stress cannot be relieved.
More than 95% of acute appendicitis and chronic appendicitis suffer from abdominal pain. In addition to anorexia, vomiting, body aches, and other systemic symptoms are felt, while local pain in the lower abdomen or flank is severe. I had a high fever and tried antipyretics, but the abdominal pain in the right appendix area did not stop. Appendicitis is characterized by appearing from the upper abdomen and spreading downward. Depending on the location of the appendix, pain in the right side of the appendix, if located in the pelvis, post-secondary syndrome (post-secondary: feeling of stool after defecation) and discomfort above the pubic bone may occur. Complain of severe diarrhea, bowel obstruction, symptoms of peritonitis, or constipation.

Appendicitis symptoms are diagnosed through an appendicitis test. A hospital stay is required for appendectomy. It is necessary to distinguish female ectopic pregnancy, ovulation pain, and pelvic inflammatory disease, which are similar to appendicitis symptoms, and carefully check whether it is acute cholecystitis. Appendectomy is recommended because appendectomy is worse when neglected than surgical complications. Recently, laparoscopic surgery is more preferred than open surgery, which leaves scars and scars on the stomach. The hospitalization period for appendectomy is usually less than a week, but the operation time and cost of appendicitis surgery vary depending on the patient’s condition, inflammation, and pain. Good food for appendectomy is fasting for a few days until farts come out, and baby food or liquid food such as porridge. Avoid drinking alcohol and stimulating foods for one month after surgery.

맹장 위치 증상
