산모신생아 건강관리 서비스 Expand maternal and newborn health care support for families with multiple children. < All < Press release < Press release < Notification: A supportive lifelong friend, Ministry of Health and Welfare

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The Ministry of Health and Welfare (Minister Cho Kyu-hong) announced that it will expand support for maternal and newborn health care services for families with multiple children starting January 2, 2024.
‘Maternal and Newborn Health Care Support’ is provided immediately after birth, in order to help the mother recover postpartum and reduce the burden of raising the newborn, a professionally trained health care professional visits the birthing home for a certain period of time to manage the health and hygiene of the mother and newborn, as well as newborn care and housework. This is a project that supports.
* (Eligible for support) Families with childbirth whose combined health insurance premiums for the mother, spouse, etc. are 150% or less of the standard median income, and households with 150% or more of the standard median income are also supported (different by local government)

In response to the increase in the infertile population and multiple births, the Ministry of Health and Welfare established ‘Infertility and Multiple Births Customized Support Measures’ in July and announced plans to expand maternal and newborn health care services for families with multiple births of triplets or more.

In the meantime, we have supported two health care workers even for families with triplets or more, which are difficult to care for, but in the future, for families with triplets or more, we will support three health care workers for triplets and four health care workers for quadruplets, depending on the number of newborns. . If a family with triplets or more requests only two staff due to space limitations, etc., additional allowances will be provided to ensure smoother service provision.
In addition, families giving birth to triplets or more were allowed to choose the desired period of 15, 20, or 25 days, allowing up to 25 days to be used. However, in the future, it will be operated in 15, 25, and 40 days, allowing the maximum We provide expanded support so that you can use the service for up to 40 days.
Considering that the service provision period is extended to a maximum of 40 days, the validity period of the voucher (voucher) has been extended from ‘within 60 days from the date of birth’ to ‘within 80 days from the date of birth’ only for families who wish to use the service for 40 days. do.
In addition, in the case of premature babies, births of congenital abnormalities*, etc., considering the period of hospitalization in the neonatal intensive care unit, etc., the validity period of the voucher has been extended from ‘within 120 days from the date of birth’ to ‘within 180 days from the date of birth’, allowing premature babies to use the service after discharge. Improve to ensure coverage.
* However, even in this case, the regulations must be met within 60 or 80 days from the date of discharge.
Mothers who wish to use the service can obtain a maternal/newborn health care service voucher through their local city/county/district public health center, then select the desired provider to use the service and pay with the voucher. You must pay your own expenses depending on your income level. There may be some differences in support depending on the local government, so detailed information can be checked through the city/county/district public health center.
Kim Ki-nam, Director of Social Service Policy at the Ministry of Health and Welfare, said, “We expect that the expansion of support for maternal and newborn health care services for multiple babies will contribute to reducing the burden of raising children in multiple-family households,” and added, “In a situation where low birth rates are worsening, the health of mothers and newborns immediately after birth “As strong support for child care is important, we will continue to strive to provide better quality services.”
Overview of maternal and newborn health care support projects
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산모신생아 건강관리 서비스
