서울사랑상품권 발행일정 Seoul Love Gift Certificate issuance schedule and purchase tips!

서울사랑상품권 발행일정✅ Autonomous region: January, September
✅ Wide area: March, December
✅ Delivery only: May to December
✅ eSeoul Love Gift Certificate: March, July

The 2023 Seoul Love Gift Certificate issuance schedule has been announced. In this way, Gangnam-gu, Seocho-gu, and Gwangjin-gu are issued in each autonomous district in January with Lunar New Year and in September with Chuseok, and fortunately, a regional schedule has also been released. Wide-area gift certificates could be used throughout Seoul, so more people flocked to them. This time, it comes out in March and December, so I’ll have to remember the March schedule well.

No exact date has been released yet. It should be noted that the issuance conditions, discount rate, and monthly purchase limit are finalized when the gift certificate is issued, so the issuance schedule may change.

Frequently Asked Questions >>

You can purchase up to KRW 500,000 per month at a basic discount rate of 7%, and you cannot exceed KRW 2 million in gift certificates.
What this means is that I also asked my family and friends to use it for my child’s school fees, but I applied for a refund because I couldn’t get more than 2 million won of Seoul Sarang gift certificates in my wallet.

Don’t panic and get a refund. If you use the Seoul Love Gift Certificate and the amount in your possession drops below 2 million won in the middle, you can ask for it to be sent as a gift at that time, so please be careful when requesting a refund. Even though the discount rate has decreased compared to before, there are more people who want to buy it, so it is difficult to get it because it sells out in an instant like concert tickets.

If you purchase by yourself, the purchase limit is 500,000 won per month, so please ask your acquaintances a lot. You should be aware that gifting is only possible with cash payment by account transfer.

You can pay with Seoul Pay Plus in Zero Delivery Union affiliated delivery apps. Gift certificates issued by the old Zero Pay can also be used, and payments can only be made with delivery apps linked to the Seoul Pay+ app. Zero Delivery Union is a public-private partnership public delivery service implemented by Seoul Metropolitan Government to ease the burden on small businesses by lowering the delivery brokerage fee to 2% or less.

1. We Me Po
2. Pull
3. Eater
4. A well-known shop
5. Playground
6. Mama Let’s Eat
7. Romanket

Among them, I often use pull-up. If you pull down the balloon-shaped banner on the main screen, you can receive a coupon ranging from 500 won to 3,000 won. If you pay for the coupon and Seoul Love Gift Certificate, you can use food delivery at a lower price.

Thank you, install the app>>

It is a gift certificate issued by the Seoul Metropolitan Government to increase sales of small business owners located in Seoul. The purchase rate is 7%, and the monthly purchase limit is 700,000 won. It can be used in combination with 11th Street discounts, so you can purchase it at a lower price. Please note that you can buy products marked as e-Seoul Love Shop.

eSeoul Love Shop 11th Street >>

서울사랑상품권 발행일정

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