소액결제 미납 해결방법 총정리 Summary of micropayment non-payment solutions

Today, I will write an article about how to solve micropayment nonpayment. Micropayment is a service provided by smartphone carriers, and different limits are set depending on the carrier or credit rating.


How to easily solve cell phone micropayment nonpayment and policy

소액결제 미납 해결방법

소액결제 미납 해결방법



Unexpected situations occur in daily life

Small payment using mobile phone because payment was not possible

There are a lot of situations where the amount is not paid these days.

If I find out that I have an unpaid history

How to process with a debit card by contacting customer center 114

There is a way to get it done by going to a dealership near your house.

However, most of them are aware of the non-payment

There are some people who can’t solve it right away because they don’t have capital.

However, borrowing money from friends is not an easy task.

You are having a lot of trouble

But I have to deal with the nonpayment, there is no solution

Many of you may have thought about getting a loan.

Even if the amount is small, a loan is a loan.

If you have bad credit or a low credit rating

Please note that this may not be possible.

Conversely, even with a good credit rating,

I am interested in a loan regardless of the amount

If you do frequent credit checks, your credit rating will be affected.

It can be lowered, so it’s not the best way…?’

Even if you look around the internet for a while, what to do with the same situation as above

A lot of people ask if it is possible to solve it.

If you look for information in various ways, you will often find cases of damage.

I’ll tell you what to watch out for!

First of all, if you open a new cell phone.

Pay all your bills and installments

A new device at a price lower than the price I bought

I used to deceive people by writing that I could make a profit by selling it.

But if you read this article, you should be careful.

These days, this type of fraud is exposed a lot in the news and media.

It is raising awareness of the enormous fees and equipment prices.

It could be stolen, so be prepared by remembering


And the amount used for mobile phone micropayment is more than 3 months

If payment is not made, it will be suspended and there will be difficulties in using it.

In the event of non-payment, you must act

Because most of them use microtransactions

You may have incurred a small amount of non-payment.

Higher amounts are not available due to agency policy.

After using a small amount for as short as 1 month and as long as 3 months

If the fee is not paid, it is judged to be unusable according to the policy

In other words, you may be suspended. Be aware of the micropayment policy and how

I need to spend more, I need to know more

If you want to know why my cell phone was suspended, call the 114 customer center.

There is a way to connect and find out, or through an application real-time agent inquiry

can figure it out

In addition, there are several agencies, such as Danal and KG Mobilians.

In addition, if you do not know the payment agency, contact your mobile phone carrier agency.

You can visit and check the name of the agency listed on the statement.

If you know the company name, the consultation process will be much smoother, so please refer to this point!


If you have any questions about the reason for suspension after making an inquiry,

For those who want to know more details,

You can contact the payment giant for more information.

I hope you find out!

There are cases in which cell phone micropayments are suspended due to non-payment.

There are many cases where the policy is caught and suspended.


The reason is that it hasn’t been long since I opened my cell phone.

For new or prepaid phones, foreigners, and minors

Because it is not subject to use, it is out of scope

If there is a history of long-term delinquency in the past, restrictions apply.

Please know that there may be. This problem must