신용회복위원회 소액대출 LH Corporation’s Small Loan Happiness ㅣ Credit Recovery Committee

Let me tell you about LH Corporation’s Small Loan Happiness Theory. The Credit Recovery Committee LH Corporation’s Small Loan Happiness Theory is a social contribution fund created by employees of Korea Land and Housing Corporation by donating part of their monthly salary and is used as a small loan subsidy.

Table of Contents 신용회복위원회 소액대출
LH Corporation’s Small Loan Happiness Theory
Types of Small Loan Happiness Support
Subject to LH Corporation’s Small Loan Happiness Loan Support
Loan limit, interest rate, and repayment period by product
Credit recovery support sincere injury patient
Application of the differential limit according to the debt jasminevista.com adjustment repayment period
Example of monthly loan calculation (based on 3.5% per year)
How to apply for LH Corporation’s Small Loan Happiness Theory
It’s good to read together
LH Corporation’s Small Loan Happiness Theory
In order to revive the economy of financially underprivileged people under debt adjustment by the Credit Recovery Committee, emergency funds will be loaned to credit recovery supporters living in houses and state-run rental houses provided by LH Corporation. 신용회복위원회 소액대출

Types of Small Loan Happiness Support
a living stabilization fund
student loan
a high-interest loan fund
Fund for facility improvement
operating funds
Subject to LH Corporation’s Small Loan Happiness Loan Support
Residents of rental housing provided by LH Korea Land & Housing Corporation
a person in debt restructuring at the Credit Counseling and Recovery Service
A person who has faithfully repaid the reimbursement plan for more than six months
A person who has completed the performance of credit recovery debt adjustment within the last three years
Loan limit, interest rate, and repayment period by product
Credit recovery support sincere injury patient
Type of product loan limit interest rate repayment period
Repayment in installments of 3-4% within 5 years within 15 million won of living stabilization funds
Repayment in installments of 2% within 5 years within KRW 10 million in student loans
Repayment in installments of 3-4% within 5 years within 15 million won of high-interest rate refinancing funds
Repay 3-4% within 5 years of facility improvement funds within 15 million won
Repayment in installments of 3-4% within 5 years within KRW 15 million in operating funds
Application of the differential limit according to the debt adjustment repayment period
Payment for 6 to 8 months: Up to KRW 2 million
Payment for 9 to 11 months: Up to KRW 3 million
Payment for 12 to 23 months: Up to KRW 10 million
Payment over 24 months: Up to KRW 15 million
Student loans and living stabilization loans (excluding medical expenses and lease deposits) up to KRW 10 million
Example of monthly loan calculation (based on 3.5% per year)
Repayment period of 3 million won loan (monthly) 5 million won loan (monthly)
254,764 won per year 424,608 won
2 years 129,608 won 216,013 won
3 years 87,906 won 146,510 won
4 years 67,068 won 111,780 won
54,575 won for 5 years 90,958 won
Loan Calculator Shortcut
How to apply for LH Corporation’s Small Loan Happiness Theory
For the LH Corporation’s Small Loan Happiness Loan application method, you can visit the nearest branch of the Credit Recovery Committee or apply through the Credit Recovery Committee website or mobile app.

When visiting the branch, it is recommended that you first check the application requirements through the Small Finance Counseling Center 1600-5500, and then prepare the necessary documents and visit according to the guidance of the branch reviewer.

Details of the procedure
SETP 01 – Self-diagnosis
– Watch videos and quizzes
– Agreement on Terms and Conditions
SETP 02 – Complete the application form
SETP 03 – Self-examination
SETP 04 – Loan Approval
SETP 05 – Watch credit training videos
– the conclusion of an agreement
SETP06 – Loan Approval