에버랜드 할인받는 방법 How to get Everland discount

We have gathered all the information to enjoy Everland at 200% discount. Because there is a lot of content, we recommend that you use the table of contents below to quickly check only the content you are interested in.


에버랜드 할인

에버랜드 할인

Everland has different events depending on the season, so please check the schedule of events or carnivals that fit your visit schedule and have fun without missing anything.




Table of Contents (Shortcut)

1. Everland discount card information

2. Everland admission and free pass price list

3. Everland annual membership price list

4. Ways to enjoy Everland inexpensively

5. Yongin Everland Parade Timetable

6. Everland Rose Festival



1. Everland discount card information

Everland, the amusement park with the largest safari in Korea, is a great place for a date or with children, so many people visit it every year.


In fact, I think it will be rare to pay full price to use Everland without a discount anymore. Basically, not only is the Everland discount benefit provided as a credit card benefit, but even people who do not use a credit card can receive a discount through the telecommunication company discount benefit.


Since there are so many credit card companies affiliated with Everland, I will link to an article summarizing ‘Everland Discount Card Information’ below, so please check to see if the benefits apply to the credit card or check card you are using.


Check Everland discount card



2. Everland admission and free pass price list

Let’s first look at Everland’s admission and free pass prices and learn about ways to get discounts.


Many people think that the price difference between Yongin Everland’s free pass and admission ticket is not that big, so if you think rationally, most people can see that it is beneficial to pay for the free pass.


(Since Everland has many various things to do, such as safaris and rose festivals, you can enjoy it at a lower price by paying for a discounted ticket. Please refer to the information below.)



– Free pass

Type Adult Youth Child/Path Remarks
Weekly pass (1-day pass) 54,000 won 46,000 won 43,000 won – Everland admission and use of amusement facilities

– Free admission to Ho-Am Art Museum on the same day
– 2-day smart reservation not possible
night ticket
(17:00 ~ )
January, February 16:00~ 45,000 won 39,000 won 36,000 won
2-day pass 84,000 won 71,000 won 67,000 won

– Admission ticket (Currently, the admission ticket service is discontinued.)

Type Adult Youth Child/Path Remarks
Weekly ticket (1-day ticket) 45,000 won 38,000 won 35,000 won – Everland admission
– Smart reservation is not possible for admission tickets.
Night ticket (17:00~)
January, February: 16:00 ~ 36,000 won 38,000 won 31,000 won

3. Everland annual membership price list
In addition to the free pass and admission ticket, there is an annual membership. This is literally a product for families with children who frequently use Everland or for amusement ride enthusiasts.


There are various products for annual memberships considering the type of user, so let’s take a look at them one by one.


regular plus
Adult/Youth: 420,000 won
Child: 340,000 won

Adult/Youth: 220,000 won
(Re-registration: 170,000 won)

Child: 180,000 won
(Re-registration: (130,000 won)

Adult/Youth: 140,000 won

Child: 120,000 won

(Age 55 or older)
100,000 won

(less than 36 months)
80,000 won


Features of each type of annual membership


There are a total of four types of annual memberships currently in service, and we will look at them one by one, from the most expensive, Regular Plus, to Baby for infants.


How to sign up for annual membership

– On-site visit
– Sign up for pre-registration on the website


regular plus


Everland use for 1 year

Free use of Caribbean Bay from September to June (excluding regular closure periods)

Use Caribbean Bay twice in July and August

3 Safari World or Lost Valley Q Passes

6 T Express or Amazon Express Q Passes

Valet parking provided 3 times





Preferential benefits for 2nd year subscription: Approximately 20% discount on new subscription price

3rd to 4th year benefits: 2nd year benefits + 1 Caribbean Bay ticket

Benefits for 5th year and above: 3rd to 4th year benefits + 5 10% discount coupons for food, beverages and products

Burger Cafe 1 hamburger combo ticket + 1 10,000 won souvenir voucher





Restrictions on certain busy days such as peak season holidays/weekdays and Christmas

40% discount on vouchers when using on unavailable days (limited to the customer)





Free use of Everland, including paid attractions for infants only

1 kids menu meal voucher provided (substitute product provided when meal voucher is used up)


4. Ways to enjoy Everland inexpensively

Everland has many benefits that allow you to receive a discount of up to 50%, so even if you visit suddenly, be sure to receive a discount of at least 20-30%. Please refer to the methods below and avoid becoming a hogang.


Everland discount method

1. Affiliate card discount
2. Use open markets or social commerce
3. Naver Reservation
4. Everland Smart Reservation

1. Affiliate card discount


This is the most commonly used discount method and the discount rate is high, so we recommend this method. You can search for affiliate cards on the Everland website, and you can quickly check whether the card you are using is eligible for benefits by checking Everland discount card.


If you receive an affiliate card discount, you can receive a discount of up to 55%, and since the Yongin Everland free pass is 54,000 won, you can use it at less than half the price, in the mid-20,000 won range.


Not only credit cards but also check cards are eligible for the discount, and if you do not have a card to which the discount applies, you can use a card in the name of an acquaintance or family member. Depending on the card, the discount may apply only to you, or the discount may apply to 1 to 3 people including you, so please check.




2. Open market or social commerce


Familiar social commerce platforms such as Coupang, Ouimet, or Timon, or open markets, sometimes sell Everland passes at a discounted price through limited-time special events.


However, since it is not sold all the time but over a certain period of time, it has the disadvantage that it may not be available on the day you want to visit, so be sure to check in advance.


To search, search for ‘Everland’ in the product search box of social commerce or open markets. If it is on sale, it will be registered as a product. If it is not currently on sale, it will not appear in the search results.




3. Naver Reservation


If you are tired of looking for benefits with a card or bothering to search and pay through social commerce, we recommend ‘Naver Reservation’. If you search for ‘Everland’ in the Naver search bar, you can see the reservation menu. If you make a reservation on the date you want through this place, you will receive a discount of up to 32%.


Naver is a search portal site that is familiar to people who use the Internet or smartphones, so I think it will not be difficult to use it. Additionally, those who have been consistently accumulating N points can take advantage of this and use it at a lower price.



4. Smart reservation


The last method we will introduce is smart reservation. Everland Smart Reservation can be made through the website or by installing a dedicated app on your smartphone. If you use Smart Reservation, you can receive additional discounts, so please consider this method as well.


Please note that although discounts are not always applied every time, smart reservation + affiliate card discount may be the way to receive the most discount.



5. Yongin Everland Parade Timetable

In order to enjoy the parade from a good spot, it is important to familiarize yourself with the parade timetable in advance and secure a good seat. Because it is a representative entertainment in Yongin Everland, if you do not arrive on time or find a seat in advance, you may end up just staring at people’s heads.


(Parade operation and schedule may change depending on on-site conditions)

(The performance schedule is last updated every Wednesday, so please refer to the website)


As of June 5, 2021

carnival fantasy parade

30 minute parade route 13:30
Moonlife Parade 30-minute parade route
Carnival Square 20:1
Lara’s Monster Clean Up 30 minutes Carnival Square 16:10

Lennie’s Great Adventure

Finding the Dragon Castle
30 minutes Grand Stage 15:40
Waltz in Royal Palace 10 minutes Four Seasons Garden 15:20



6. Everland Rose Festival

– Opens from late May to early June every year
– 1 million roses of over 670 species
– Various things to see and do

A content as famous as the parade is the ‘Everland Rose Festival’. The opening schedule runs from late May to early June every year. If you visit Everland during this time, you can enjoy various domestic flower festivals and see the entire rose garden transformed into a pop art garden.



You can enjoy a variety of things to do, such as art exhibitions and special performances, as well as a festival that combines fresh roses and diverse cultures. Since the festival is held according to the time when roses are in full bloom, those who are planning to visit Everland should check the schedule to make their trip more enjoyable.