여권정보증명서 발급방법 How to issue a passport information certificate

Did you know that overseas Koreans living abroad can also apply for passport reissue online? You can also issue a passport information certificate. However, overseas Koreans should use the overseas Koreans-only website, not the government 24. You can apply online 24 hours a day, so apply online now!여권정보증명서 발급

여권정보증명서 발급

☞ If you are busy, apply right away below!

Online passport reissue application – 1. Access the website

– Go to the Overseas Koreans 365 Civil Complaint Portal website.

– Click Quick Civil Complaint Application > Online Passport Reissue at the bottom right.

Things to note when applying online

■ After your online application is reviewed and your passport is issued, you can visit the overseas diplomatic mission you applied to in person to receive your passport.

⋅ When visiting the overseas diplomatic mission in person, some diplomatic missions do not allow business without a prior reservation, so please check in advance.
⋅ You can check the progress of online passport reissue in real time in the “[Overseas Koreans 365 Civil Complaint Portal] Passport Issuance Status Inquiry” menu. ⋅ Proxy collection of passports is not possible.

■ In the cases below, applications cannot be made through the Overseas Koreans 365 Civil Complaints Portal, so please visit the nearest overseas diplomatic mission in person to apply.

⋅ If you do not have a means of identity verification (joint certificate, financial certificate, mobile phone authentication (domestic telecommunications company), simple authentication, i-PIN, etc.), first-time e-passport applicants, minors under 18 years of age, applicants for diplomatic, official, or emergency passports, those who need to change their Roman name (including those whose spouse’s surname has changed due to a change in marital status), those who have changed their name or corrected their resident registration number (application is possible if there is a passport issuance history after the information is corrected), habitual losers (those who have reported loss at least once within 5 years from the passport application date and whose previous passport is still valid), those subject to administrative sanctions, etc.

■ Once an online passport reissue application is accepted, arbitrary cancellation is not possible through the Overseas Koreans 365 Civil Complaints Portal system. Please apply carefully.

■ The photo uploaded when applying for a passport must comply with the passport specifications. (Refer to the passport specifications below the posting)
If the passport photo does not meet the specifications, it may be rejected during the review process even if it passed the system’s preliminary quality inspection.

■ When applying for a passport reissue online through the Overseas Koreans 365 Civil Affairs Portal, you must register required documents related to your overseas stay, such as a visa, permanent resident certificate, and long-term residence permit, to confirm your nationality. You can only select the overseas diplomatic mission as the passport pickup location. (You cannot select pickup in Korea.)
* All dates and times above are based on Korean time.

Online passport reissue application – 2. Log in and apply for reissue

– Log in and apply for reissue according to the information displayed on the screen.

– I logged in as a non-member, but later I registered as a member. It is more convenient for overseas Koreans to register as a member from the beginning.

Online passport reissue application – 3. Select whether you have a valid passport/lost

– After completing the reissue application, a pop-up will appear asking whether you have a valid passport.

– Once you apply, it is difficult to modify, so if you choose carefully and apply, you can apply in the order that appears on the screen.

3. Passport Reissue – Issuance Period

– Processing period from the date of application for issuance to receipt: Usually 8 working days (domestic standard)

(Passport issuance may be delayed during peak travel season or at night.)

– More accurate application progress can be checked at “[Government 24] Passport Issuance Status Inquiry”.

☞ Check it out right away by searching below!

Passport Online Photo Specifications (Submittable Photo Files)

– This is a photo that meets the passport online photo regulations.

(Please check carefully as your application may be rejected if the size specifications are not met!)

File size 500KB or less, file format JPG/JPEG
Recommended size: 413 pixels wide, 531 pixels high
(Only upload within 395~431 pixels wide, 507~550 pixels high)
Recommended resolution: 300dpi
Photo taken within 6 months

Passport online photo specifications (Photo files that cannot be submitted)

– This photo does not meet the passport online photo specifications.

If the background is not white or the background color is removed using a photo editing program and the photo is distorted
If the length of the hair in the photo is too short or long from the crown (the top of the head excluding the hair) to the chin, it may be rejected during passport issuance screening even if it passed the system pre-quality inspection (assuming that the hair length is 3.5cm wide and 4.5cm high – the photo must be taken so that it can be 3.2~3.6cm)
If the photo is reused for other purposes and the resolution is low or blurry
If the photo is artificially edited and the face is flattened left and right or up and down
If you are wearing circle lenses, colored glasses, etc.

Passport issuance fee (revised on July 1, 2024)

– Passport issuance fee has been reduced by 3,000 won from July 1, 2024 (Monday).

How to issue a passport information certificate (Korean/English)

– Go to the homepage and click on the passport information certificate issuance.

– Enter the applicant information in the order it appears and apply.