연습면허 발급 방법 Provides all information from issuance of practice license to cancellation

We will inform you of all information related to learner license. If you have passed the driver’s license department test and functional test, you only need to pass the road driving test. If you want to drive on the road after school classes, get a practice license.

연습면허 발급 방법

From issuance of practice license to cancellation 연습면허 발급 방법

learner’s license
Learner’s license is a shortened name for practice driver’s license. This is a temporary practice license that officially enables you to practice driving on the road. However, since it is not an officially issued driver’s license, certain restrictions are bound to follow.


To obtain a learner’s license, you must first pass the physical examination, department test, and skill test. If you have passed all these tests, you can prepare the application form required for issuance of a learner license, your ID card, a fee of 3,500 won, and your agent’s ID card if you are applying by proxy and get it issued on the e-driver’s license website.



Practice license validity period
According to Article 81 of the Road Traffic Act, the validity period of a practice license is one year and cannot be extended. If the holder of the final type 1 learner license was issued an exchange by lowering it to a type 2 practice license, the validity period of the practice license does not start anew, but a practice license with the remaining period of the first issued practice license as the validity period is issued.


Matters to be observed after issuance of practice license
After receiving a learner’s license, there are matters to be observed according to Article 55 of the Enforcement Rules of the Road Traffic Act. Let’s take a look at the points to be observed for each of the provisions of the article one by one.



1. Passenger

Article 55
1. Ride together with a person for whom two years have elapsed since the date of receiving a driver’s license (limited to a driver’s license that permits driving a vehicle to be practiced) (excluding those whose driver’s license is in effect during the suspension period) You need to be guided by someone.

Paragraph 1 of Article 55 stipulates the passenger. The passenger must have obtained a driver’s license for more than two years. It is not limited to simply the period of obtaining a driver’s license, but the passenger must have obtained a higher level license than the trainee, or at least possess the same type of license.


– driver’s license rank
Type 1 special (trailer and tow truck) = Type 1 large > Type 1 normal > Type 2 normal

In other words, if a trainee practices for a Class 1 normal driver’s license, even if it has been 3 years since the passenger has obtained a Class 2 normal driver’s license, the trainee is ineligible as a passenger because the driver’s license is at a lower level than the license the trainee wants to acquire.



2. Learner’s license vehicle

Article 55
2. Do not drive for purposes other than driving practice, such as driving a business vehicle in accordance with the ‘Passenger Vehicle Transportation Business Act’ or the ‘Cargo Vehicle Transportation Business Act’.

No. 2 stipulates vehicles that can be practiced. It’s a little difficult to say, but to put it simply, it is possible to use a personal car that my father uses for commuting to and from work, but you cannot practice driving on the road with a business car such as a taxi, truck, or rental car.



3. Driving practice sign

Article 55
3. Cars being practiced must be marked with an asterisk 21 so that drivers of other cars know that they are practicing driving.

When you practice driving on the road, you have not yet been issued a formal driver’s license, so you must use the ‘Driving Practice Mark’ that meets the regulations, rather than attaching a ‘novice driver’ ticket.


Rules for creating driving practice signs and attachment locations

Rules for creating driving practice signs and attachment locations

We will inform you of the writing standards and attachment location on the driving practice cover. In order for a person who has received a practice driver’s license to practice driving on the road, he or she must know that he is practicing driving in accordance with Article 55 Subparagraph 3 of the Enforcement Rule of the Road Traffic Act.

If you drive without attaching a driving practice sign, you cannot reapply for the driver’s license test for one year.



revocation of learner’s license
If certain reasons for cancellation occur, the learner’s license may be canceled before the expiration date of the learner’s license.

[Appendix 29] Criteria for disposition of cancellation of driving practice driver’s license (related to Article 91 (2)) (Enforcement Rule of the Road Traffic Act).pdf


Reasons for Exception for Cancellation of Practice License
In the following cases, exceptions to the cancellation of a learner driver’s license are made pursuant to Article 59 of the Enforcement Decree of the Road Traffic Act.


1. In the case of causing a traffic accident while driving under the direction of a person in charge of a road driving test at the Korea Road Traffic Authority, an instructor at a driving school, an instructor at a specialized academy, or a skill tester
2. In the event of a traffic accident on a non-road
3. In case of causing a traffic accident but causing only material damage

We have comprehensively looked into the meaning and issuance of learner licenses, cancellation and exceptions to cancellation.