영어 이름 변환 How to convert Korean names to English (mass conversion)

영어 이름 변환If the name to be converted is not one, but 10 or more than 50, it takes a lot of time to search and convert the name to English one by one. By the way, although it is not a function that is often used, there is a function to change Roman characters in Hangul programs. This feature can be used not only for changing names to English, but also for cases where you need to convert other Korean characters to English.

Let’s take the picture below as an example. One or two can be easily converted into Korean name input in Naver. However, when converting a large amount of names, it is easy to use the Korean Romanization function.

1. Put a block on the part you want to change to English. When converting, the existing Korean text is lost and converted to English. So if you create one more thing to convert and work on it, the time will be shortened.
Cover the part to be converted with a block.

2. Click Input at the top of the menu, click Input Helper, then Replace with Roman.
Select Input – Typing Assistant – Replace with Roman

3. Click Convert to Roman and the conversion settings will appear. Select the person’s name here and click the Convert button.
Convert to person name setting

4. Click the Convert button to automatically change the Korean name to Roman alphabet. However, if multiple expressions are available, the selection screen appears as shown in the figure below. You can choose the most suitable expression here. If you don’t know what a common expression is, you can get help from a search engine.
convert to a suitable expression

5. This is the Korean name converted into English.
Korean name converted to English

So far, we have learned how to convert Korean names to English. You can search and convert one by one, but if you are working on a Hangul document, you can easily convert the name by using the Romanization function. If you are using a Korean program, it would be nice to know. I hope you enjoy your day as well.

Mass name conversion, Romanization change, Korean learning, Korean name conversion to English

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