우체국 택배 방문수거 How to send a parcel from home, from post office home delivery application, reservation, price, packaging and return collection

These days, even if you don’t have to go to the post office, you can receive a parcel at a nearby convenience store.

However, if the item is heavy or bulky, it can be difficult to take it to the convenience store.

If you register, delivery drivers will visit you directly, so you can leave your items at the front door and go out. This is a very convenient service for consumers. 우체국 택배 방문수거

우체국 택배 방문수거

How to send a parcel from home
By accessing the homepages of courier companies such as CJ Logistics Courier, Hanjin Courier, Rosen Parcel, Lotte Parcel, and Post Office, you can make a reservation for home delivery, payment, and delivery inquiry at once.


Apply for home delivery to the post office 비지니스헬퍼
You can apply for home delivery to the post office using the Internet. Door-to-door delivery service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


1. Receipt of door-to-door delivery at the post office (reservation)
1. Postal Service (parcel.epost.go.kr/auth.EpostLogin.parcel) – Courier/Parcel at the counter – Delivery visit reception – Delivery visit reservation reservation – Log in (registered member or joint certificate or non-member application)


2. Agree to terms and conditions when applying for non-membership

– Enter 4 digits of application password

– Those who apply (the place the courier driver will visit)

Those who apply for door-to-door delivery service
– Product information

Post office door-to-door delivery product information
* Weight (5kg, 10kg, 20kg, 30kg )

* Size (80cm, 100cm, 120cm, 160cm): The sum of the width + length + height of the packaging box

* Content code

Post office door-to-door courier content code
* Contents: Automatically entered according to content code selection

* Quantity of items: Number of packaging boxes

* Special considerations for delivery

* Issuance of tax invoice




– Courier information

Post office door-to-door delivery service information

* Depending on the address of the applicant, the post office for in-person application is determined.


* When pre-payment is selected, the courier fee is discounted by 500 won per item.

Advance payment (enter card information), on-site payment (cash), cash on delivery


* Reservation can be selected from the day after the date of application for delivery service.


* Visiting application hours are 9:00-18:00 (hour unit cannot be specified, visits are not accepted on Saturdays and holidays)


* Since it is impossible to set the exact visit time, it is convenient to select pre-payment or cash on delivery in preparation for absence, and set the storage location in front of the door, security room, or unmanned delivery box.


– Recipient

Post office delivery person
– Optional (input if you want the applicant’s address to be printed on the waybill as an address different from the visit place)

Post office door-to-door delivery option
– Add to recipient list

– Address verification

– application

Reservation of application for home delivery at the post office
If you enter the item information, courier information, and the recipient, the post office delivery reservation to be sent from home is completed.


2. Post office courier reservation inquiry/cancellation
If you have completed a courier reservation, it is good to check the contents of your reservation to check the correct input.

Post office courier service – Courier service/window parcel service – In-home delivery service – Reservation inquiry/cancellation

Inquiry/cancellation of postal delivery service reservations

3. Post office courier delivery inquiry
If you made a reservation for postal delivery and the delivery driver picked up the item on the day of reservation, you can inquire the delivery status with the registration number.

Post office courier service – Courier service/window parcel service – Delivery inquiry

Post office door-to-door courier delivery inquiry

Post office door-to-door courier price (cost)
Post office door-to-door courier prices (costs) are as follows.

Post office door-to-door courier price cost
Except for Jeju Island, delivery is usually the next day (next day delivery), and delivery charges of 5,000 won for items weighing less than 5 kg, 8,000 won for items weighing less than 10 kg, 10,000 won for items weighing less than 20 kg, and 12,000 won for items weighing less than 30 kg are given.


post office delivery package
If you have applied for door-to-door delivery to the post office, you must pack the goods in advance.


The maximum weight of one box that can be accepted by courier is 30kg or less.


The size of a box that can be accepted for courier delivery must be within width + length + height = 160 cm, and the maximum length of one side is limited to 100 cm.


In the case of advance payment (card payment) and non-face-to-face storage (in front of the door, etc.), write the recipient at the bottom left of the box.


※ Items that are restricted from handling door-to-door delivery at the post office

Restricted items for door-to-door courier service

Post office courier return reservation (collection)
If you return an item received by courier service from the post office by regular reservation, you can use the return reservation service as regular rates apply.


Post office courier service – Courier service/window parcel – Courier visit reception – Courier return reservation

– Log in (subscribed member or co-certificate or non-member application)

– Agree to terms and conditions when applying for non-membership

– Enter 4 digits of application password

– Courier registration number (input the waybill number of the item to be returned)

Post office home delivery service return collection
– The following process is the same as the post office door-to-door delivery application (reception, reservation) process


Post Office Call Center 1588-1300 (Weekdays 09:00-18:00, Saturdays 09:00-13:00)