우편물 주소변경 How to change mailing address Required after moving-in report Internet post office

우편물 주소변경When preparing to move, there are many things to do, including calling a moving center and gathering important items. After moving, you must change your mailing address after reporting your move-in.

If you did not apply to change your mailing address when you visited the community center to report moving in, you can easily change it by using the mail delivery service at the Internet Post Office.

If your address has changed due to a move-in notification, this is a post office mail service that delivers mail containing your old address to your new address.

There are three ways to apply for a change of address.

How to apply for residential relocation service

I will leave a link to the Internet Post Office in the link below.

Go to Internet Post Office

If you click on the Internet Post Office link above or search for Internet Post Office on sites such as Naver, Google, or Daum, this screen will appear. Click the menu bar in the upper left corner and click ‘Residence Relocation Service’ in Additional Services and you are almost done.

Internet Post Office-Site

Number 1 is when a fee is required. Number 2 is used when checking or canceling an application after application.

Click number 3 on residential relocation mail delivery service. After that, just enter your information and you’re done.

If your address has changed to another region (different region), a fee may apply.

There is a part where you can select the period, so you can proceed with ‘3 months’. If it is in the same area, it is free. If it is in a different area, a fee of 7,000 won will be charged.

Changing your mailing address may feel a little strange at first, but it’s not difficult or complicated. Please note that self-employed individuals can only apply at the post office.
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