일요일 약국 병원 문여는 곳 (feat.공휴일)Sunday pharmacy hospital open (feat. holiday)

Most pharmacies are open Monday through Saturday, and many are closed Saturday afternoon through Sunday. So, it is not easy to find a pharmacy that is open at night, on weekends, or on Sundays when you need medicine urgently.


Emergency medicines are also sold at convenience stores, but there are not many types of medicines and there are no pharmacists, so it is difficult to get light counseling. In order to solve this situation, the Korean Pharmaceutical Association operates a pharmacy service to keep holidays.


Holiday Keeper Pharmacy finds pharmacies that operate at night, Sundays (weekends), holidays, and holidays (New Year’s Day, Chuseok, etc.) and kindly displays a map.


일요일 약국 병원 문여는 곳

일요일 약국 병원 문여는 곳



Find pharmacies open on Sundays at the Holiday Keeper Pharmacy
Find your Sunday pharmacy on your mobile

Find pharmacies open on Sundays at the Holiday Keeper Pharmacy

First, access the holiday keeper pharmacy site. ▶ Go to Holiday Keeper Pharmacy


Holiday Keeper Pharmacy
When you access the site, there are three menus. The difference is below.


Holiday Keeper Pharmacy Search: Search pharmacies currently open, search pharmacies open on Sundays and holidays
24/7 pharmacy search: Search pharmacies open at night
Search late-night pharmacies: Search pharmacies open until dawn

Holiday Keeper Pharmacy allows you to search for pharmacies currently in operation. If you search at night, on Sundays, or holidays, you can search for pharmacies operating at that time.


24/7 pharmacy and late-night pharmacy seem to be similar, but when you search for them, the results are different. Open 24/7 pharmacies usually close at 21:00, and there are also some that close at 1-2:00 in the morning. Late-night pharmacies are searched only for pharmacies that close at dawn. I don’t know why I’ve divided it up, but the search results are different, so please search for both.


Select a region and click the Search button to display the search results as shown below.

Pharmacies open on Sunday
Phone numbers for pharmacies open on Sundays, hours of operation, duration and a map view are provided. The year-round mark in the categories means that the pharmacy is open 24/7. If it says nighttime, it means a pharmacy that is open after 10:00 pm, and it means a pharmacy that operates all year round until nighttime.


The downside of the holiday keeper pharmacy site is that it does not support mobile pages. It is inconvenient to view on mobile, so it is recommended to use Naver on mobile.


Find your Sunday pharmacy on your mobile
Connect to Naver on your smartphone.

Search for pharmacy in the search bar. And press the My Location button twice. (Turn on your smartphone’s GPS.) When the search results appear, click the More Pharmacy button.


find a pharmacy
Look at the map and click on the nearest pharmacy.


Finding an Evening Sunday Pharmacy
If you check the open statement and press the down button, you can check the exact opening hours of the pharmacy.


We looked at how to find pharmacies open at night, weekends, holidays, and Sundays, but there is something to be aware of. The Holiday Keeper Pharmacy website or Naver simply displays the information provided by the pharmacy. Of course, the pharmacy will provide proper information, but depending on the circumstances, the opening hours of the pharmacy may not be reflected, so it is recommended to call before visiting.


In addition, you can easily purchase emergency medicine at convenience stores when pharmacies are closed. Please check the article below to see what medicines are sold at convenience stores.

▶Convenience store antipyretics and household medicine types


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Find a pharmacy on holidays, find a pharmacy on holidays, find a pharmacy open on New Year’s Day, find a pharmacy on night, find a pharmacy open on Sunday, find a pharmacy on Sunday, find a pharmacy on weekends, find a pharmacy open on Chuseok
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