자격증 종류 Certificate type:: Studying with Uncle Bae Na-on

자격증 종류1. National qualification
2. Nationally recognized qualification
3. Private certification

National qualifications are qualifications newly established and managed by the government in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and are further divided into national technical qualifications and national professional qualifications.
National technical qualifications refer to qualifications in technology, skills, and service fields related to industry among the national qualifications under the Framework Act on Qualifications under the National Technical Qualifications Act, and the related qualifications are national technical qualifications. Most of the national qualifications we are commonly familiar with include those such as word single level, computer proficiency, and secretarial qualifications conducted by the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and most qualifications such as information processing technician and environmental technician acquired by taking regular technician examinations from the Human Resources Development Service of Korea. This refers to the qualifications of .

National professional qualifications are a qualification system other than industrial technology, and the national professional qualifications related to them are qualifications administered by government ministries, such as the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, and are for lawyers, certified public accountants, tax accountants, paralegals, appraisers, real estate agents, and housing managers. There are many types of youth counselors, youth leaders, administrators, social workers, nursing care workers, doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, childcare teachers, security guards, etc. These national professional qualifications include those for patent attorneys, tax accountants, social workers, and youth counselors, which are entrusted to the Human Resources Development Service of Korea by the relevant competent authority, and others, such as exams for doctors, nurses, and lawyers, are conducted directly by the competent authority. .

Nationally recognized qualifications are private qualifications recognized by the government in accordance with the Framework Act on Qualifications. Accreditation means that the government recognizes private qualifications whose level of management and operation is the same or similar to national qualifications in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Act.
These nationally recognized qualifications are announced in detail on the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training website and the Qnet website.

Private qualifications are qualifications managed by the private sector without national recognition.
Any corporation, organization or individual other than the state may establish, manage and operate a private qualification, except for the following fields.
1. Areas related to activities prohibited by other laws and regulations
2. Fields directly related to the life, health, safety and national defense of the people
3. Fields related to acts that harm good morals or are against social order
4. Other fields determined by Presidential Decree after deliberation by the deliberation committee that it is not appropriate to operate in a private capacity.
In this way, a person who wishes to establish, manage and operate a new private qualification may register the relevant private qualification with the Minister of State in charge, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
Currently, private certifications are registered and managed by the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

Since private certifications are easily registered except for the above prohibitions, anyone can register and operate them. Therefore, some private certifications are promoted as if they are nationally recognized certifications registered with the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training, but you should be careful. .

자격증 종류
