자궁경부암 검사 무료대상 조회방법 How to check for free cervical cancer screening

Among cancers, cervical cancer, which particularly affects women, is a serious disease that ranks fourth among female cancers in terms of incidence and mortality. However, the hopeful news is that in Korea, there is a systematic system in place to select those eligible for free cervical cancer screening and even provide vaccination according to conditions.

자궁경부암 검사 무료대상

자궁경부암 검사 무료대상

Next, we will learn about what cervical cancer is, free eligibility, and vaccinations. Please note that those eligible can be checked immediately through the National Health Insurance Screening Target Inquiry.



Click here to view free screening targets



What is cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer refers to cancer that starts at the entrance to the uterus, which connects the vagina and the uterus. It is mainly caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), and if early detection and treatment are possible, the cure rate is high, and the survival rate for more than 5 years is over 8-90%, so it is known to be fully preventable through regular checkups.

Eligible for free cervical cancer screening in 2024

Adult women over the age of 20 can get a cervical cancer screening for free every two years. You can easily check your eligibility on the National Health Insurance official website. This is to help with early detection without financial burden.

Cervical cancer vaccination

Cervical cancer, along with hepatitis B, is one of the few cancers that can be prevented by a vaccine. Vaccination is recommended for men and women ages 9 to 26, and is especially effective if administered before age 13.

Importance of Vaccination

Human papillomavirus has a high infection rate, so it is important to get vaccinated. Your partner should also be vaccinated to protect each other.

How much does it cost?

Cervical cancer vaccination is classified as a non-coverage item, so the cost may be somewhat burdensome. It is most accurate to check the cost of representative vaccines such as Gardasil and Cervarix by contacting the hospital directly.


By 2024, protecting your health through cervical cancer screening and vaccination is not an option but a necessity. Early detection and prevention can be your most powerful weapon, so check whether you qualify for free testing and consider getting vaccinated. For the sake of your health, especially your family, please be aware of this before applying.