저신용 소액대출 방법24-hour welcome mid-interest loan formula: Health insurance employee subscriber + public certification = remittance possible at an interest rate in the 10% range
WELCOME Easy automatic loans for prime customers!
Secured loan products for businesses
If you have a Welcome Digital Bank transaction record, it is easier to apply for a loan.
Check if you can get a loan within 10 minutes with an interest rate in the 10% range
P.C. Mobile automatic loan + additional loan after on-site visit
You can easily borrow money over the phone without visiting. Dreaming of a simple credit loan process!
When you urgently need living funds, simply and quickly!
Pro-low-income guaranteed loan for financial support of low-income and low-credit workers
Loans for business owners who own apartments
Loans for owners of nursing facilities
※ Up to 1 billion can be entered.
※ Up to 120 months can be entered.
※ You can enter up to 100%
Welcome Savings Bank Co., Ltd. CEO: Daewoong Kim | Business registration number: 120-87-93876
Copyright WELCOME SAVINGS BANK. All rights reserved.