차대번호 조회방법 및 제조사별 사이트 How to look up vehicle identification number and sites by manufacturer

The vehicle identification number is equivalent to the car’s resident registration number. It is needed when repairing a vehicle. In most cases, employees find it on their own. The vehicle identification number also includes the car’s production date. Today we learned how to look up a car’s vehicle identification number and production date.차대번호 조회

차대번호 조회
1. What is a vehicle identification number?
2. Location
3. Meaning
1) 1st digit
2) 2nd digit
3) 10th digit
3. Production date inquiry
1) Hyundai, Kia website
2) Vehicle registration book
3) VINDECODERZ (https://www.vindecoderz.com/)
1. What is a vehicle identification number?
The vehicle identification number refers to the vehicle’s unique number and is also called the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). It is usually attached to the car frame in the form of a metal sticker.

2. Location
You can find your vehicle identification number by looking at your vehicle registration certificate. This is the quickest method, but if you don’t have a car registration, you’ll need to have your car inspected. The easiest place to find it is inside the driver’s door. In addition to this, they can also be found inside the bonnet, near the steering wheel, or at the bottom of the car dashboard. It varies depending on the vehicle manufacturer, so you need to search carefully. You can also download the vehicle manual from the manufacturer’s website.

Vehicle identification number location
Vehicle identification number location
3. Meaning
We can find information such as country, manufacturer, vehicle type, and production year from the vehicle identification number, which consists of a total of 17 digits.

1) 1st digit
. Country of manufacture

. In Korea, K

2) 2nd digit
. manufacturing company

. Hyundai: M, Kia: K

3) 10th digit
. Production year

. A to Y: 1980 to 2000

. 1 ~ 9: 2001 ~ 2009

. A to Y: 2010 to 2030

. 1 to 9: 2031 to 2039

3. Production date inquiry
If you want a more accurate production date rather than the year, you’ll have to check online.

1) Hyundai, Kia website
When we search using the vehicle identification number on the Hyundai and Kia Motors websites, the production date we want is not displayed.

You can search for Hyundai Motors by going to the ‘Blue Members’ website and entering the vehicle identification number in ‘Service/Membership > Check Specifications’.

You can search for Kia Motors using the vehicle identification number by going to the ‘Kia Members’ website and going to ‘Vehicle Management > Customer Support > Vehicle Specification Inquiry’.

2) Vehicle registration book
The car’s production date is indicated in the car’s ledger. You must know the vehicle number or vehicle identification number, and a joint certificate from the vehicle owner is required.

. On the top menu of the ‘Automotive Civil Service Public Portal (https://www.ecar.go.kr/)’, click ‘Civil Complaint Application > Civil Complaint for Issuance Viewing’ and then click ‘Application for issuance and viewing of a certified copy (abstract) of automobile registration book’. Click.

car registration book
car registration book
3) VINDECODERZ (https://www.vindecoderz.com/)
This is a site for looking up foreign vehicles, but you can also look up Hyundai and Kia cars. If you enter the vehicle identification number on the website, information about the vehicle will be searched. The YEAR part is the year of production. In the past, the production date was searched, but now it only shows basic information, perhaps because it has become a paid service.