체력 기르는 방법 What if you’re tired 365 days a year? Easy way to build physical strength (not exercise) – Sidoyoung Life

체력 기르는 방법Shidoyoung Life

Occasionally, complaints are posted on the community, saying, ‘I like exercising, but my girlfriend is very physically weak.’ It can be really difficult when the energy levels between couples differ.
Today, I will mainly introduce methods that I have found to be very effective in developing physical strength, but easy methods. I always aim for simple and easy methods!
Some people are naturally weak in stamina. Since these people have a naturally low energy level, it is true that there are limits even if they try to increase their physical strength.
However, most people can improve their fitness using a variety of solutions. Usually, when we think of ways to build physical strength, we often think of aerobic exercise or strength training, but in fact, from my own experience, exercise is important, but other factors play a bigger role.
I’m always tired and have poor stamina? I think you might want to check the following.
If you reverse this, I guarantee you that your stamina will improve 100%. We will give you some practical tips below.
What are the characteristics of a person with good physical health? There are many people who have good physical strength even though they do not feel as muscular as expected or do not do physical training.
I believe that actual physical fitness comes from improving lifestyle habits. Based on my experience improving physical strength in a short period of time, I suggest the following four methods.
Your physical strength depends more on the quality of your sleep than you might think. If your sleep quality is poor or you have insomnia, you may not have good physical strength.
The important point here is that you must go to bed early without ‘doing anything.’ Most people probably think that they ‘relax’ by watching YouTube or reading webtoons before going to bed.
However, looking at your phone before going to bed has a huge negative impact on the quality of your dreams and sleep. The time before going to bed is actually a golden time to finish the day well, but we waste it with shorts or webtoons.
This is also a great tip for building physical strength. Clean and organize your surroundings.
Our brain receives more information visually than we think. No matter how dirty and messy the environment is, you ‘think’ you don’t care, but in reality, your brain is under a lot of stress.
In fact, it’s similar in the office. The desks of good workers are often neatly organized.
When you return home, it makes a world of difference in your energy level whether your home is neatly organized, like a cafe or resort, versus being cluttered with life. In a messy house, the word ‘tired’ naturally comes out.
I am a maximalist who pursues minimalism, so although I buy a lot of things, I always try to create rules and places to keep things organized.
It’s a bit common to say that when it comes to building physical strength, you need to build muscle. But that’s because it’s the truth.
Personally, I tried a variety of sports such as fitness PT, racquetball, and kendo, but the sports that actually made me feel like my physical strength increased dramatically were kendo and Pilates.
The reason why Pilates is especially recommended is because it is an exercise that allows you to improve your body’s balance while also increasing your strength. In the case of fitness, lifting heavy weights often puts a strain on the joints, making it somewhat difficult to create a balanced body.
Food is closely related to building physical strength.
For people who eat processed foods or eat out every day, eating bad food 365 days a year becomes the default, so you may not notice what the problem is. However, if a person who has been eating a natural diet for even a week changes his diet to processed foods, a decrease in physical strength immediately appears.
If you’re having trouble switching to a natural diet all at once, I highly recommend trying the following: This is a method that can bring medium to high results with little effort.
In my experience, lifestyle habits are more closely related to physical fitness than you might think. Every time I changed my lifestyle habits one by one, I experienced an increase in my physical strength.
Apply the tips above to boost your energy levels and have a productive day. In the future, we will continue to post about ways to increase and maintain energy levels. Until now, it was Shido, a woman who takes on challenges.

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