카카오뱅크 pc 로그인 Easy procedure for Kakao Bank PC login…

I printed and printed the Kakao Bank transfer confirmation on my PC. Of course, I know it would have been made so that it could be printed, but…! Since Kakao Bank is an internet bank, I had to use both mobile and PC. Hehe If you follow the steps below, you can print easily 🙂 There is no fee to issue, and you only need a mobile phone, computer, and printer. 카카오뱅크 pc 로그인

From mobile (mobile phone) access to Kakao Bank! 이베이스매뉴얼
When you connect to Kakao Bank, the screen on the left will appear. I am in the process of getting a credit loan; A message of completion of the examination is also displayed. Anyway.. Click the three dots [···] on the bottom bar on the first screen, and click the [Customer Center] emoticon when you go to the second screen. Then, on the third customer center screen, you can see [Issue certificate] and enter it.

카카오뱅크 pc 로그인

If you click [Deposit] on the [Issue Certificate] page, the types of deposit-related certificates appear as shown in the second picture. If you click [Transfer Confirmation], as shown in the third picture, ‘You have now selected a confirmation’ message appears. Click the [Next] button at the bottom.

If you go to the [Certificate Issuance] page, you can select the desired issuance method between PC printing and mail. In my case, I wanted PC output, so I chose [PC output / 1 sheet] like the second picture. If you click the Next button, you can check your Kakao Bank account as shown in the third picture, and select the account you want to issue a certificate to.

I set the name of the account as house purchase money and I need transfer confirmation information for this account, so I selected it and clicked Next.

We will set the issuance period to verify this body station for the account. You can also set the date from 1 month to 12 months with a button or set the date. I checked the date by selecting it, and as in the second picture, the transfer details are listed. Select only the desired record and click [Apply] to receive a Kakao Bank transfer confirmation.

After that, you will be asked to enter your password to verify your identity, and after confirming the completion of the certificate application, you can print it out after checking in [My Certificate Issuance History] on the Kakao Bank PC website.

I’ll put the link below for the Kabang PC website address. You can follow along from here.
Kakao Bank
Kakao Bank User Guide, Consultation, Consumer Protection, Certificate Issuance, Company Introduction, Talent Recruitment, Kakao Bank Co., Ltd.

How to print from Kakao Bank PC version
If you go to the Kakao Bank homepage, you can see the image above. If you mouse over the [Customer Center] text, you can see [Certificate]-[My certificate issuance history]. Click!

Then a window will pop up asking you to log in. If you click on it, it says [Login] and you go through the process of logging in to Kakao Bank PC by entering the QR code or verification code.

By the way! The QR code is not taken with a normal camera. You have to enter the QR code or authentication number in Kakao Bank. You also have to go through the following process. Keep up the good work!

Turn on your phone again and connect to the Kakao Bank mobile app. From Home, click [···] at the bottom and click [App Settings] at the top right. Then you can see the [Settings] page like the second picture. If you click [PC Connection-PC Login], you can see the message [Shoot the QR code of the PC you want to connect or enter the verification code] like the third screen. there will be

It authenticates using the QR or authentication number floating on the CarBang PC.

After authentication, you can view [My certificate issuance history] and transfer confirmation on the PC website, and click [Print] in the status to print from the connected printer.

Since Kakao Bank is an internet bank, most of the things such as bankbook creation, loan, and transfer were simple, but there was also a feeling that the issuance of certificates was rather cumbersome. Existing other banks also have to authenticate with a joint certificate, etc., but it feels a bit cumbersome to find where the cabin is located in the app? Haha It’s still a convenient cabin.