쿠팡 배송조회 Coupang delivery inquiry – courier inquiry (order number, waybill number, location tracking inquiry)

Have you ever wondered when the items you ordered from Coupang will arrive? In this article, let’s look at 4 easy ways to track Coupang shipping! Choose a method that is convenient for you and track the location of Coupang! For your reference, this article also tells you how to check parcels more easily without going into Coupang, so don’t miss it and check it out! 쿠팡 배송조회

Contents [hide]

1 Check real-time delivery on the Coupang app
2 Track real-time shipments on the site
3 Using the integrated courier inquiry service
4 Search for courier when you do not know the invoice number
View real-time delivery on the Coupang app

쿠팡 배송조회

In the Coupang app, you can see the delivery date and location of the item being delivered. If you download the Coupang app from the link below and log in, you can check real-time delivery right away.

Coupang App Direct Link

▼ If you access the link above, download and run the Coupang app, and log in, you can view Coupang delivery as shown in the picture below. You can see your current location and delivery status by time zone.


For your reference, as shown in the picture above, overseas items can be divided into six categories: Pick-up, Arrival, Carry-in, Departure, and Overseas Shipment. 비지니스헬퍼

▼ First, launch the Coupang app and log in

Once you have downloaded and run the Coupang app by accessing the link above, touch (1) [My Coupang] under the menu as shown in the picture below, and then (2) log in.



▼ Log in to Coupang

Enter the (1) email address and (2) password you entered when signing up for Coupang, and then touch the blue button (3) [Login] below to log in.



▼ View the list of products in shipping

If you log in, you can immediately check the products being shipped as shown in the picture below. You can see at a glance when it is scheduled to ship. To check the location of each product by time zone and the current delivery status, touch one of the products as shown below.



▼ Check the delivery details of the item

If you just touched the item you want to see, you can now click the [View Details] button as shown in the picture below to check the detailed information of the delivery.



▼ Check item details

Now you can finally see the exact location and delivery status for that item over time. If you look at the picture below, you can see various information in turn.

invoice number
time zone
Current location
delivery status

Track real-time shipments on the site
Do you use the website a lot when accessing Coupang, rather than the previous method, the app?

You can also check the real-time location of Coupang’s delivery on the Coupang website. After accessing Coupang through the link below, log in first.

Link to Coupang Homepage

▼ After accessing the Coupang homepage with the link above, log in and you will see the screen as shown in the picture below!


▲ Click the [My Coupang] menu on the right side of the photo to view all of your Coupang order information.


▼ To view shipping information for a specific product

Click the [Delivery inquiry] button on the right as shown in the picture below to search the courier delivery information of a specific product.



▼ Get shipping information for a specific product

This is the screen where you can see all shipping information for a specific product. From the top left of the picture below, you can check various information as follows.

expected date of arrival
Courier company and invoice number
Recipient and recipient address
6 types of location and delivery status by time zone

Using Integrated Courier Inquiry Service

For Coupang courier inquiry, you can use several integrated courier inquiry services that can inquire real-time delivery information of all couriers.

This is the first method using the Delivery Keeper app. It has partnerships with more than 45 courier companies and automatically registers invoice numbers with mobile phone numbers. You can use the link below to download and run the Delivery Keeper app to track your Coupang delivery location.

Google App Store – Go to Delivery Keeper App

The second method is to use the smart delivery app to inquire about coupang delivery. You can search the order history of about 50 shopping malls in one place. It also provides an automatic notification function when the parcel moves. You can access real-time location tracking by accessing the link below!

Google App Store – Go to Smart Parcel App

Searching for courier when you do not know the waybill number
With this method, even if you don’t know the waybill number, you can track Coupang’s real-time location as well as other courier companies’ shipments. There are 4 main methods.

If you want to inquire about courier without an invoice number on the site, access the link below and refer to the first method.

When you do not know the waybill number, look up the courier on the site (Logiai site)

If you do not know the invoice number with the app and want to inquire about the courier, access the link below and check the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th methods to inquire the courier without the invoice number!

4 ways to view courier inquiry without invoice number (you can check the bottom)

If you do not know the waybill number, look up the parcel in the app

So far, we have looked at 4 ways to track Coupang’s delivery. Below you will find a collection of useful shortcut links related to this article!