쿠팡 와우 해지 Coupang Wow membership cancellation, price, benefits

These days, as more and more people are ordering products online, many people are probably using services provided by open markets, etc. In particular, in the case of Coupang, it has the advantage of being able to receive goods quickly and for free, and there are many conveniences such as providing OTT, etc. However, today, for those who are looking for a way to cancel their Coupang Rocket Wow membership, I would like to tell you how to cancel. 쿠팡 와우 해지

쿠팡 와우 해지

If you run the Coupang app first, you can see all the benefits, discounts, and product introductions. Also, rocket-delivered products are convenient because there are many items that can be received within a very short time and early in the morning the next day. Depending on the frequency of use, you may not feel the value as much as the fee. To cancel, first click on the person in the 4th position of the menu at the bottom. JFactory

When you enter the My Page area, there is information about order list, review management, and wished products. If you scroll down a bit, there is a section called WoW Membership. Please click on it to enter.

When you enter the menu, the first thing you see is how much money you have saved while using this membership. It is based on the records for the last 3 months. If you still decide to cancel, scroll down.

If you scroll down past the benefits of using Rocket Wow membership, you will find the Cancel button below. Please press it.

In the next step, we recommend that you use it for the remainder of the period by notifying you how many days are left until the next payment date. If you scroll down to the bottom of the screen again, you will see buttons like the image on the right. Here you can click to give up the benefits I am receiving.

There were many steps, but you can finally cancel your Coupang Rocket Wow membership by clicking the cancel button here. People like me who have been using it for a long time will have to pay 4990 won when signing up later, so you should take this into account. Of course, even those who signed up before will use the increased amount in the future, so it would be good to know how to cancel.