통신판매업 신고 Mail order business reporting procedure method, target, period, 5 required documents information

통신판매업 신고Mail order business reporting procedure method, target, period, 5 required documents information

Among online shopping, which has now become a part of daily life, cases where both the provision of information about sales and consumer subscription are carried out through e-commerce are considered mail-order sales.
Mail order sales refers to non-face-to-face information provision and subscription, and e-commerce refers to transactions in which electronic means are used as a means of transaction.

To protect consumer rights, the Fair Trade Commission discloses identity information of mail order sellers on its website.

Required documents and application method when applying for an individual business registration certificate

Mail order sellers are required to report to the provincial governor, mayor, county governor, or district head in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act in electronic commerce, etc.
However, the following cases may be exempt from mail order business reporting.

[Standards for exemption from reporting for mail order business]
Additionally, the items below cannot be sold online or require separate approval or permission.

This is the reporting procedure for mail order businesses.
[Online report for mail order business]
Mail order businesses can also be reported as non-members on the Government 24 website (www.gov.kr).
Mail Order Business Reporting Procedure

On the Government 24 website, select [Civil Complaint Information and Application] – [Mail Order Business Report] to apply.
No separate fee is required.

Individual business partnership agreement form (joint contract, rental business)_Download

Mail Order Business Reporting Procedure

Enter company information, business name, business registration number, location, and contact information.
Check the representative’s name, date of birth, contact information, address, and email.
Mail Order Business Reporting Procedure

Select [Sales Information].

Is the sales method through TV home shopping, Internet catalogs, newspaper magazines, and general shopping malls? Education, books, toys, entertainment, home appliances, computers, office supplies, furniture, storage supplies, health, food, clothing, fashion, miscellaneous goods, etc. Select whether it is beauty, leisure, travel, performance, car, car accessories, gift certificate, etc.

Mail Order Business Reporting Procedure

To complete, attach the required documents for mail order business reporting below, select the recipient location, and report.
You will receive a text message within 1 to 3 days informing you that the reporting process has been completed.

Required documents when opening a corporate bank account (when closing?)

There is no specific regulation regarding the deadline for reporting the mail order business.
However, if there are any changes in the mail order business, they must be reported within 15 days.
The processing period for new reports is 3 days, change reports also take 3 days, and business closure reports are processed immediately.
In addition, mail order business operators with more than five full-time employees must designate a chief information protection officer and report it to the Ministry of Science and ICT within 90 days after reporting the mail order business.
Check corporate card usage scope, time guidelines, regulations, and verification materials

[New application]

[Change Request]
Above, we have checked the mail order business reporting procedure, reporting target, reporting period, required documents, etc.
Refund for those subject to full reporting (simple expense ratio comprehensive income tax)
Refund for those subject to full reporting (simple expense ratio comprehensive income tax)
In May, you must file year-end tax settlement or comprehensive income tax return. It is convenient because documents are automatically loaded during year-end tax settlement, but comprehensive tax tax can be difficult for individuals due to necessary expenses.
Let’s find out how to report a mail order business (receiving a mail order business report certificate)
Recently, the number of office workers using mail order businesses such as Naver Store or Smart Store as their main job or as a side job is increasing. Can I do it too? This is one of the side jobs that many people are looking into.
Check how to check for those excluded from VAT notice (Value-Added Tax)
If you are a sole proprietor or a corporation, you must file a regular annual value-added tax return. For value-added tax, final returns must be filed in January and July, and preliminary returns must be filed in April and August. If you are a sole proprietor or small business,

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