핸드폰물에빠졌을때 How to drain water from a speaker if your smartphone falls into water

핸드폰물에빠졌을때We’ve all probably heard at least once what to do if your smartphone falls into water.
Most smartphones these days are waterproof, so there are no major problems, but even if they are waterproof, the problem is the speaker.
A little water gets into the speaker part, which can cause the sound to be quiet or a dull, dull sound even after drying.

In some cases, hair dryers are often used to dry, but I personally think that this is not a good method.
This is because strong winds can push the water further in, and even if it dries, small foreign substances that were in the water will remain.

Even if you don’t know about foreign substances, it is said that simply drying the speaker will damage the condition of the speaker, so the best way is to drain the water inside.
So, the Apple Watch has a function that blows out the water that enters the speaker.
And this feature can be easily used on smartphones as well.

Since all substances have their own unique frequency, it seems that the principle is that water emits sounds of a specific frequency that it responds well to.

Now, let’s assume that the smartphone that fell into water has been wiped with a dry cloth and is operating normally.
If you fall into the water, take your own precautions.

Open any Internet browser you are using and access the Internet.
Enter the address of the site below in the address line.

Fix My Speakers – Eject water from your phone’s speakers
Remove water from your phone’s speakers for FREE! It works by playing a specific tone that generates sound waves which causes the water to be ejected.
fixmyspeakers.com access screen

When you access this site, there is nothing special.
Just one button!
When you press the white button with wind and water droplets drawn on it, you can hear a low-pitched sound coming from the smartphone’s speaker and see the wind coming out like a nose breeze.
Of course, if there is water inside the speaker, it will be pushed out as well.
fixmyspeakers.com execution scene

That’s it. It’s simple^^
It’s not that difficult to use, but the problem is that you may not remember the site address when something happens, so if you register it as a favorite in advance, you will have an emergency preparedness plan.

Personally, I like these browser-based tools rather than app-based tools.
However, if you want to install the app, please see the post below.
Draining water from smartphone speaker (app installation method)
How to drain water from a smartphone speaker (app method)
I previously posted a method to drain water from the speaker when the smartphone fell into water, but it was a method that did not require installing a separate app. Since everyone has different preferences for using smartphones, people prefer the app method.

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