햇살론 뱅크 조건 Sunshine Loan Bank conditions and application method (loan limit 25 million won) | day view

햇살론 뱅크 조건Are you looking for Sunshine Loan Bank conditions and application methods?
Sunshine Loan Bank is a government-supported loan product for people with low credit and low income.
In this article, we will quickly and easily inform you about Sunshine Loan Bank’s interest rates, limits, and banks that handle it.
Check it out below right now.
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Sunshine Loan Bank is a type of government-supported loan product provided by the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency.
Sunshine Loan Bank products are loan products that support low-credit and low-income people using existing microfinance products.
To summarize the product contents of Sunshine Loan Bank, the following table shows.
Sunshine Loan Bank can lend up to 25 million won, and the loan interest rate varies by bank.
Next, let’s look at the conditions of Sunshine Loan Bank.
Sunshine Loan Bank conditions must include all of the following:
For detailed information on Sunshine Loan Bank conditions, please refer to the table below.
As such, you can apply for Sunshine Loan Bank if you are using a policy microfinance product or if less than 3 years have passed since you paid off your loan in full.
There are conditions for annual income of 35 million won or less or annual income of 45 million won or less in the bottom 20% of credit scores.
However, please be aware that even if you meet the application conditions, your application may be rejected by the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency or the bank.
Next, let’s look at the Sunshine Loan Bank interest rate.
Sunshine Loan Bank interest rates vary by bank, and the average interest rate is as follows.
Sunshine Loan Bank’s lowest interest rate starts at 6%.
Can I get a Sunshine Loan Bank loan even if my credit score is as low as 500?
Sunshine Loan Bank can be used at a total of 14 banks. Please check the handling bank in the order.
Next, let’s look at the Sunshine Loan Bank limits.
Sunshine Loan Bank and Sunshine Loan 15 have temporarily expanded their loan limits until December 31, 2023.
Financial authorities announced that they would extend the Sunshine Loan loan limit once more. This is to provide help to ordinary people who are having difficulties due to high interest rates and high prices.
Therefore, even in 2024, the Sunshine Loan Bank loan limit is available up to 25 million won.
Next, let’s look at the Sunshine Loan Bank loan period.
You can choose between 3 and 5 years for the Sunshine Loan Bank loan period.
The interest-only grace period can be granted for up to 1 year, and the longest loan period at Sunshine Loan Bank is 5 years.
The longer the loan period, the higher the loan interest rate, so please choose the loan period according to your situation.
Next, let’s look at how to apply for Sunshine Loan Bank.
You can apply for Sunshine Loan Bank by visiting the bank or non-face-to-face.
You can quickly apply for a loan by checking your eligibility through the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency app before applying for a loan.
Since this is a product guaranteed by the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency, do I have to pay an additional guarantee fee?
The Sunshine Loan Bank guarantee fee is 2% per annum of the deposit amount (90% of the loan amount).
If you are eligible for social consideration, you can get a 1% reduction, and the conditions for lowering the guarantee fee are as follows.
If you would like to check Sunshine Loan Bank’s pre-qualification, please download the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency app below.
You can check your Sunshine Loan Bank qualifications right now at the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency.
There are a total of 14 Sunshine Loan Bank banks.
Toss Bank is the only internet bank that handles Sunshine Loan Bank.
Please apply for a Sunshine Loan Bank loan from your main bank or a nearby bank.
Here’s a detailed look at the Sunshine Loan Bank terms and conditions and how to apply.
Sunshine Loan Bank is a microfinance loan product for people with low credit scores or low income, and it is a product with many user reviews.
It can be used at a total of 14 banks, and the maximum loan limit is 25 million won.
If you have had difficulty getting a loan from a commercial bank, try using Sunshine Loan Bank.
Learn more about government-backed loans
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