구글 플레이스토어 환불 google play store refund

Personally, it’s been a while since I’ve used a smartphone with Android OS, so I only remembered the refund method I used in the past. The outline is as follows. First, after deleting immediately after purchase, refunds can be processed directly from the Play Store page (limited to once per app). Second, it may be possible by contacting Google 48 hours in advance, and thirdly by contacting the developer after 48 hours. In this article, we will deal with the first and second.

Two ways to process refunds for apps received on Android OS

First of all, if you have just purchased, click [ 3 line icon in the upper left corner of the Play Store inside your smartphone → Account ].

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Press [Order History → ‘View’ of the application you want to refund]. 구글 플레이스토어 환불


Based on the screen shot, only [Install] exists, but a refund-related button is added to the status after receiving and deleting immediately. It is the simplest solution if you solve it here. Otherwise, if the status is similar to the screen shot, you need to go through the process below a little more. 좋은뉴스


Since Google Play uses a Gmail account, if you go into Gmail, you can see that a receipt for purchase has arrived.

Click [Refund Policy] at the bottom of the receipt.

Click [ Apps, games, in-app purchases (including subscriptions) ].

You must contact Google within 48 hours and then the developer. As mentioned in the introduction, this article does not introduce how to process after 48 hours. Click [here] based on the screenshot.

Click [Blue Link Address]

If you are logged in, the order history page appears as shown above, click [3 dots on the right → Report a problem] in order.

You can choose a reason, but [I purchased by mistake] seems to be the most acceptable.

After entering a brief description of the problem, select [Send].

A report is sent.

Personally, the refund was processed as soon as it was shipped. At first, I got it using Google Play, but the app didn’t work properly, so I deleted it right away, and there was a refund button, so it was processed. And, when I try again after a few days, the button doesn’t exist this time. This was an initial one-time process, and fortunately, thanks to our 48-hour refund policy, it was easy to process.