구주소 신주소 변환 방법 Old address new address conversion

As I moved this time, I signed a contract through real estate and got a loan because I was short of money. I was fortunate enough to be able to get a bank loan. Huh….huh… this is completely mind-boggling. I went up to Seoul with documents to get a loan, but the address in the contract is strange. If the address is not verified, the loan cannot be issued. Uh oh.. it’s strange that the address shouldn’t be different, but I tried calling real estate here and there and it wasn’t a lot of fuss. Well, it could have been easy, but the principle is the principle, so I went to the sea to write a contract.


Old address new address conversion “Street name address search” 구주소 신주소 변환 방법


As the new address has changed, I feel that it has not yet been firmly established.
Even when writing the address of the shopping mall, there are places where you still have to write the old address.
There are places where you have to write the new address.. Oh, it’s complicated.. Anyway, for those who want to convert the old address to the new address.
I’ll tell you how to do it.
Road address information service: http://www.juso.go.kr/openIndexPage.do 구주소 신주소 변환 방법

If you go to the website, you can find the street name and address. address change data
You can check it. Then take the old address and change the new address to the street name.
How to change…


Enter your old address in the search bar at the top
Please enter If you write only the street number, the contents will be
It was searched. 구주소 신주소 변환 방법

You can find the appropriate address in the search field.
The searched address is in English address/jurisdictional community center.Address change request.View map
There are features!!

Anyone who needs an English address
If you click on the English address, the detailed English address will appear.
Source: https://happypanda.tistory.com/286 [Happy House:Tistory]