다음카페 탈퇴 방법 How to leave Daum Cafe Forced withdrawal

Currently, most cafe activities are conducted on Naver. Occasionally, there are cafes with more active Daum. So, I decided to leave the cafes that I signed up for but are currently inactive. However, unlike Naver, it was difficult to find the menu to leave the next cafe. On PC, it is located at the bottom left of the bulletin board menus, but on mobile, there are people who use the Daum Cafe app, while there are many people who come through the mobile browser. Therefore, below, we will explain two ways to unsubscribe from the app and one to unsubscribe from the mobile Internet. 다음카페 탈퇴 방법

How to leave the Daum Cafe (on the app app)
▲ Run the Daum Cafe app. If you run it and go to the cafe tab above by clicking the person icon below, the list of cafes I have joined will appear. Click the cafe you want to leave from here to enter.

다음카페 탈퇴 방법

▲ When you enter the cafe, the cafe screen appears above. If you look at the screen, you will see a star, a house, an i, and a bell. Press ⓘ here to go to the Profile menu.
▲ Go to the Profile menu and scroll down to find the Leave Cafe button, press it. JFactory

▲ Are you sure you want to leave the cafe? When prompted, click OK to proceed with the withdrawal.
How to leave Daum Cafe on the Internet
▲ Connect to the next cafe. If you look at the tab above, tap My Cafe and click the cafe you joined to enter the cafe you want to leave.

▲ Unlike the cafe app, there is no button to unsubscribe from the Internet. Scroll all the way down to change to the PC screen and proceed with the withdrawal.
▲ When you change to the PC screen, the screen changes to a smaller size and the screen you see on the PC is displayed as it is. If you scroll all the way down to the left and enlarge the screen, you will see Leave the Cafe. Press that button to proceed with the next Cafe Leave.

Let’s take a brief look at how to delete Daum Cafe My Posts. If you operate or join Daum Cafe, you will write a lot of posts or comments, but if you want to delete the posts or comments you’ve written in the meantime, you can simply delete the comments or posts by deleting all or designated deletion at once.
If you want to leave Daum Cafe and delete the post at once, please refer to the link.

How to leave Daum Cafe and delete posts – Daum Search
Find the latest information on how to leave Daum Cafe and delete posts in Daum Search.

How to delete my post in Daum Cafe
You can delete my posts using the mobile app, but it is recommended to do it on a PC to quickly delete all at once.
1. First, go to Daum Cafe and log in. Then, click Go to My Cafe.