페이팔 체크카드 Compare Hana Viva G Platinum Check Card (feat. Paypal)

PayPal showed $199 on the 18th and is still not out of the single digit of $200.

He recently had a slight uptrend and then plummeted again.

페이팔 체크카드

The main title of the reason for the collapse of PayPal
Paypal isn’t dead yet, but he says there are thousands of factors.
“Bernstein” lowered PayPal’s target price to $220.
This person cited the decline for two reasons. 페이팔 체크카드
1. “eComm” (e-commerce) companies like Amazon and Shopify are getting bigger, more favorable for payment system to PayPal 이베이스매뉴얼
It has a negotiating point.

2. It is also because competitive payment systems such as Apple Pay and Shop Pay are taking away the market previously dominated by PayPal.
it’s called reason

Not only this reason, but also the question of current performance was raised.
It’s a paypal stock that appears to have huge cash flow and earnings, but the result is only a 13% increase over last quarter’s sales.

But below, PayPal is still a lucrative and cash-flowing company.
(If the stock goes up, I don’t like articles like “No, but not”…)
Anyway, at the bottom, the recent growth is evaluated to be slow due to performance.
(It’s good, but it goes up only when the performance is good. It’s natural..)

Clearly, PayPal is no longer an emerging payment powerhouse under pressure from its competitors.

However, such as systems like Venmo, which are used by many people, and the recent payment system agreement with Amazon,
Since good news is definitely there, we think the current long-term correction will eventually rise again.
There is hope that it will be able to recover during the year-end settlement season by holding it as a buying opportunity.

The combination of Venmo and Amazon as shown in the article below is definitely a good stock and can be an opportunity for earnings to improve.
And PayPal is a fintech company after Visa and Mastercard, like Square, which is currently undergoing some adjustments.
There is also news that the current cryptocurrency technology is being actively embraced, so good companies do not sit down easily and enter new fintech.
There is also the expectation that it will not be lost.
PayPal has lost its power since the last Pinterest takeover incident!
It seems obvious when you need to show something.
It is a stock with ample potential to wait for the current price of $200-210 by split-buying and another split-buy when $200 breaks.

-35% decline from the peak Right now, Metaverse and eco-friendliness are attracting attention, but if we return to the interest of fintech,
Shareholders who are shy now may be able to smile again in 2-3 months.
Not recommended. It’s not because I was bitten… lol
Yesterday, the account was restored, but there was an issue where the card could not be registered.

I sent an e-mail 3 or 4 times about not being able to register the card again, and at the end I got an e-mail asking me to call.
(Paypal’s phone number is not listed on the website. Why is this again..)

So I sent the email again. Even if I proceed as instructed, the phone number does not come out,
It was impossible to communicate in English, so I asked for a counselor who could speak Korean, and a Korean counselor called from PayPal.

There were two types of cards that I couldn’t register…

1. When you try to register a debit card, a warning window appears saying “Card registration was rejected” and the process did not proceed, but the answer to this is…

In PayPal, when you register your card, you pay “0” won to check the card and then register.
However, I was informed that the check card could not be registered because foreign currency payments were blocked, so I could not verify the card.
(Overseas won payment is usually blocked due to fee issues, but I think this is probably the reason why the account is blocked. I can’t check the card..)
So, as instructed, the check card was registered normally after unblocking overseas won payment and registering.
After registering, I said that it is okay to block overseas won payment again, so I block overseas won payment again!!!!!

2. When you try to register a credit card, the warning window does not appear and says “Cannot proceed further” and the answer to this is…

There was nothing special. haha
The agent said he would check it out, and he asked me to register again now, as he will wait during the call, and I was registered immediately.

I actively responded to account restoration and card registration in less than 24 hours, so I commend you.