주휴수당 Calculation of Weekly Holiday Allowance

Conditions for receiving holiday pay 주휴수당 In order to receive holiday pay, the following conditions are required: You must work at least 15 hours per week and must not miss any number of working days. If you are a salaried employee, vacation pay is automatically included in your salary, but short-term employees must work at … Read more

마이크로소프트 팀즈 삭제 Uninstall/Install Windows 11, Microsoft Teams

After upgrading MS Office 365 a while ago, Microsoft Teams program was installed without my knowledge. I didn’t install it, so I was wondering why it was installed, but the culprit was MS Office 365. The Microsoft Teams program is a program that is used to collaborate at work, but he said that it is … Read more

청춘대로 톡톡카드 KB Kookmin Youth Avenue Talk Talk Card Benefits

​ → The card I am using because the benefits are good. If you are interested, please search for ‘Kakao Pay Check Card’ on my blog~ ​ Other than Hana Bank, I found this while wandering around wondering if there is a card with good benefits. ​ Kookmin Bank’s Best Popular Credit Card KB Kookmin … Read more

근로소득원천징수영수증 발급 withholding receipt for wage and salary income

How to issue a withholding receipt for wage and salary income ! ​If you worked as a freelancer or had a short-term part-time job, you must have received an amount minus 3.3% of your salary. ​Why take 3.3% off your paycheck? 근로소득원천징수영수증 발급 What is the identity of this 3.3%? ​By deducting 3.3% of tax … Read more

해외주식 양도소득세 신고 방법 How to self-report overseas stock transfer tax Hometex

For those of you who are interested in stocks, the recent stock market may have given you a headache. The stock market atmosphere is not good enough to say that it is at an all-time low. If you look at my stock account right now, it’s negative, but if you made a profit from overseas … Read more

아이폰 html 파일 열기 Open html file with iPhone specific app

Open HTML files and recommend a free HTML editor! html is an abbreviation of [Hypertext Markup Language]. It is a kind of basic web language used to create web documents. HTML not only represents structural meaning for body text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, etc. Provides a way to create structured documents with links, citations, … Read more

KB모바일인증서 발급 Issuance and reissuance of KB mobile certificate

Try KB mobile certificate issuance There are many different types of certificates these days. After the public certificate was abolished, various certificates are being used in many places. The kb mobile certificate can also be used in various places as a simple certificate. Personally, I use it for simple login to Hometax. The issuance can … Read more

2022년 기초생활수급자 조건 with clothes, fuel, and other basic necessities

2022 livelihood benefit The Basic Livelihood Recipient’s Livelihood Benefit is a system that provides support for people in need so that they can lead their daily lives by guaranteeing the minimum cost of living. The beneficiaries are paid for their livelihood by providing them with clothes, food, fuel, and other basic necessities for daily living, … Read more

유튜브 바로가기 만들기 YouTube shortcut on the desktop

Hello everybody, What do you think is the most popular social media these days? As of January 2021, the social media with the highest number of visitors is YouTube. I often use YouTube to watch various videos. Once you see it, you won’t notice the passing of time. 유튜브 바로가기 만들기 I think the reason … Read more