토스 계좌 연결 해제 Toss account disconnection, compare 10 methods!

Toss is one of the popular financial service applications in Korea, designed to help users easily handle a variety of financial transactions. One of the main features of this application is that it allows you to conveniently manage money transfers, payments, asset management, etc. in one place by linking your bank accounts. The process of linking your Toss and bank accounts is simple, but it is important to understand it in detail. Below are detailed instructions on how to link your Toss account and bank account.

1. Download and sign up for the Toss application 토스 계좌 연결 해제
Before linking your Toss account with your bank account, you must first download the Toss application to your smartphone and complete the registration process. You can download the application by searching for ‘Toss’ in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. After installing the app, launch the app and proceed with the registration process using your mobile phone number. During the registration process, various personal information and authentication procedures may be requested to verify your identity.

2. Connect your bank account 이베이스매뉴얼
After completing your registration, you can link your bank account within the Toss application. To do this, find and select ‘Link account’ or related menu on the app’s main screen. Then, select the bank you want to connect to and enter the relevant bank account information. Account information includes the account number and the name of the account holder. Some banks may require additional verification, which may require you to verify your account through your bank app or text message.

3. Complete identity verification and account connection

토스 계좌 연결 해제
After entering your bank account information, Toss may ask for identity verification. This process is to verify that the account you wish to connect is actually yours. Identity authentication methods may vary depending on the bank, and generally include authentication through transfer, ARS phone authentication, and internet banking authentication. Once you successfully complete the identity verification process, the connection between the Toss application and your bank account is completed.