전북은행 스마트뱅킹 Jeonbuk Bank News Mart Banking, now split the precious lunch time

After a long time, I went to Jeonbuk Bank and asked to register the renewed certificate from another bank, but a message appeared saying that the OTP serial number was incorrect. I changed my OTP to another bank last year… I think I checked Jeonbuk Bank after that… I was not sure, so I decided … Read more

노리2 체크카드 How to use child and husband’s first Everland Nori check card at half price

​Finetech, which was used as the Kookmin Card’s Bangulbi card, has been discontinued and I have been looking for a replacement card, but there are no benefits I like compared to the performance I need to accumulate~ I decided to hand over the injection credit card to Lotte and use the National Nori Check Card … Read more

고등학교 생활기록부 발급 Issuance of high school life record

How to issue a high school transcript There will be times when you will have to take out your high school life record. In this case, you can visit the school you graduated from and get the issuance, but it will be very cumbersome and cumbersome. high school record Therefore, a service that issues high … Read more

토스뱅크 ATM 입금 Deposit free of charge from ATM machines of other banks with Toss Bank Card

What method do you mainly use for depositing? When I was young, I used to deposit money at the window, but after issuing a debit/debit card, I mainly use ATM machines. By the way, my main bank is Toss Bank, which is an internet-only bank. So, the actual deposit and withdrawal was using Kookmin Bank. … Read more